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Re: please someone needs your help desperatly
11/6/2006 5:39:58 PM

Hi Kathy I wrote somemore stuff to him to go to a doctor for antidepressents.  I even suggested he go to the Union Gospel Mission in his area if he doesn't want to or can't afford go to a doctor.  He is scared too.  He can get free meals at the mission.

Thanks Kathy.

Barb :)

Re: please someone needs your help desperatly
11/7/2006 8:21:13 PM

Hi Kathy:

I want to say let Jonathan have contact with me too.

I can so relate to the "debt" situation and it has caused me and my husband a lot of stress. What I had to do first was come to terms with how I got here and then learn to understand and appreciate money. We are now closer to resolving this situation.

Let Jonathan know it is not the end of the world. Ask for advice from someone and even join a support group or start his own.

The depression is probably exacerbated by the money problems. Take ONE DAY AT A TIME and take positive, baby steps. When your health is more balanced, things will look brighter.

All the best Jonathan and know that this too shall pass!




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