
11/5/2006 12:10:33 PM

Get paid daily
just for being our member !

We share our earnings with ALL our FREE members EVERY DAY !

Money earned by MyFreeShares in the last 24 hours : $5.00
Total number of shares : 1000
Commission per share : $0.005
Number of shares YOU have : 200.0
Your commission in the last 24 hours :: $1.0
Please login to your account to see your current balance :
REMEMBER : You will earn more money every day, if you
have more shares.
Promote your referral page and get 1 share per every new
free member you bring to us + 1 Share per Dollar they spend on advertising on our page, or you can earn shares with clicking links and for joining Free and paid offers or purchase advertising.

PLEASE NOTE - commission per share value is different every day !

How it works ?

After you join MyFreeShares ( for free ), you will get 1 share. You will be able to earn more shares by referring other people to our service ( 1 share per referral + 1 Share per Dollar they spend on advertising on our page ), or you can earn shares with clicking links and for joining Free and paid offers or with purchase advertising on our site.

We earn money by selling banner impressions, website ads and e-mail ads. All earnings are divided by total number of shares members have. That is how we get COMMISSION PER SHARE value.
e.g. if we earn $5 in 24 hours, and there are 1000 shares ( in total ), commission per share will be $5 / 1000 = $0.005.
So, if you have 200 shares, your commission ( that day ) will be
$0.005 x 200 = $1.0.

Minimum payout is $10. Payout options are Paypal, Alertpay , E-gold and MyFreeShares Debet Card. Money you earn will be sent to you on your request, maximum 10 days after requested.

We do not tolerate SPAM. All members that use SPAM to promote MyFreeShares referral page will be REMOVED.

We do not tolerate MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS. All members that have more than one MyFreeShares account will be REMOVED.

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