
It's freee It's Effective, It's Advertising
11/5/2006 12:05:22 PM

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The Worlds FIRST Pay Per Send Safelist - Safelist Email Marketing with HTML - Join FREE!
Banner Advertising * Safelist Sponsor Advertising * Webpage Text Advertising
Advertising Packages * GUARANTEED Hits * Safelister's HTML Features
Reliable Email Service for the Safelist User * POP3 Email Cleaner
One-Click Join/Submit 2300+ Safelists WITH AutoValidation & MORE *
MBP BizMajic News Ezine - Subscribe Free - *

Introducing the MOST UNIQUE totally FREE safelist


We now offer Safelister CONTACT SOLO Ads for a limited time with bonus, Click Here for Ordering Information

Safelister - The First - The Best -
The CLEANEST PPS Safelist out there!
AND NOW with HTML Autosend Features!

[Sponsor Ad] - Visit Our Sponsors!

A Safelist for ALL Marketers everywhere - veteran marketers or newbies - we offer an easy, one click, interface. Sent through our servers, absolutely NO chance of SPAM COMPLAINTS. Super fast, dedicated private server.. your messages sent in minutes, not hours!

How much does all this cost, you might ask? NOTHING.. that's right it's absolutely 100% FREE for LIFE! Safelister is based on a CREDITS System. When you sign up, FREE, you receive 75000 send credits, there are no daily send limits, if you have credits, you can send to your hearts desire. ( We require you to use different ads/subjects if sending more then one email per day)

Plus it's super easy to get MORE FREE CREDITS, heck, we put them in EACH and EVERY list email that is sent out!!! Also, there are SUPER JACKPOT LINKS in random emails - these can be worth anywhere from hundreds to thousands of FREE CREDITS! Your ads WILL be seen, this list can't be filtered for JackPot Links because EVERY EMAIL HAS THEM! Which equals a SUPER RESPONSIVE LIST for YOU!

We don't stop there either.... You can also get MORE send credits by referring other FREE MEMBERS or by purchasing Send Credits. There are NO LIMITS on how many credits you can accumulate. There are NO LIMITS on how many Send Credits you can use in a day. This idea is so UNIQUE, and fits EVERYONE's advertising budget, SafeLister can be 100% FREE for LIFE!

Account features:
  • Extremely SIMPLE account management
  • 75000 FREE credits just for joining **
  • 10000 credits earned per referral signup **(unlimited)
  • The message sending process is automated/instant (no waiting)
  • YOU choose the amount of credits to use (no per day limit)
  • Vacation Setting (puts your account on hold until your return)
  • Unique referral link to earn more sending credits
  • Credit use reporting (previous and current credit activity)
  • Earn credits with our Random Safelister Jackpot Links (In Every Email)
  • Frequently asked questions/help section
  • Bug report tool (only used if you find a bug in the system)
  • Send as many messages as you want each day (IF you have credits)
  • Post your ad to the Member LinkList from members area
  • FREE COPY of AutoResponder Magic
  • The Absolute BEST customer service around!

What is a safelist?
Click here for a full explanation of what you can expect!

Since the list is TOTALLY FREE to use, it WILL grow large very quickly! Now is the time to promote and get your referrals and FREE SEND CREDITS!

Click Here To Signup Right Now!

[Sponsor Ad] - Visit Our Sponsors!
Click here NOW to have your banner ROTATED on our HIGH traffic sites!

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Leaders NEEDED in YOUR Country! Ground LEVEL!
Have YOUR Text Ad HERE!
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