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Linda Miller

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I am in a state of Gratitude - How about you?
11/5/2006 8:45:01 AM

Happy Sunday morning,

My husband and I watched The Secret movie again last night and I was reminded how powerful simply being in a state of Gratitude can be.

If you have not yet seen The Secret, you will find it here:

It will also be the featured movie for December here (and you can get the first month free):

When I woke up this morning it was warmer than usual here in Michigan, so I took my two little chihuahuas for a walk and was almost overcome by extreme feelings of gratitude for my exact life circumstances, knowing that my life is perfect exactly as it is.

Is there more I want? YES

While I want to move to the North Carolina mountains, I am very grateful for the home where I live now here in Michigan.  As I walked down our long driveway this morning, I was grateful for the field that surrounds us and the HUGE bails of hay that dot the land (created by the farmer that leases the land from us).

One of the great keys to living a satisfied life is to LIVE in a state of gratitude for what we currently have - and we ALL have something for which to be grateful.

When we live in a state of gratitude for what we have now, we attract to us more of what we want to manifest and create in our lives.

What a powerful thing!

Just find something for which to be grateful RIGHT NOW - and get ready for more of what you want to come.

I works every time.  It is guaranteed.

What are you feeling grateful for today?


Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Rose Smith

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Re: I am in a state of Gratitude - How about you?
11/5/2006 9:07:57 AM

Today, I am grateful for three healthy, thriving daughters. 

I am grateful that I received my corporate wake-up call and began to pay more attention to my home business.

I am grateful that people all over the country have become my close friends through poetry, and that my love for writing and my writing are appreciated and welcomed by so many.

I am grateful for each breath I take, knowing that tomorrow is not promised, and embracing each day as a gift.

I am grateful for friends like you.




Linda Miller

3429 Posts
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Re: I am in a state of Gratitude - How about you?
11/5/2006 9:36:50 AM

Hi Rose,

Wow, I am inspired by your Gratitude.  Congratulations.

Thank you for being Rose. 

Many blessings.


Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina
Re: I am in a state of Gratitude - How about you?
11/5/2006 11:45:42 AM
I know that I truly am in a state of gratitude always because I serve my FATHER and whatever happens to me, HE always has me cover.  But HE has promise that He has to fulfill so that also keeps me in a state of gratitude as well.  Because I will tell that I can agree with Linda it powerful to consistently serve others which keeps you in a that state too.  It never a feeling with me also purpose really.
Re: I am in a state of Gratitude - How about you?
11/5/2006 6:18:28 PM
Hello Linda,

Within the past few weeks, I have also witnessed and am the recipient of blessings while being in a state of gratitude. It really does work and to think that you can control your circumstances merely through thought.  Amazing, simply  amazing!

A state of gratitude,

Jeannie George "Make your first cup of the day, Organogold"!