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Please watch
11/4/2006 2:57:14 PM
Hello my friends, Please watch this video It is very important for everyone to watch. This can change your life, Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Barb Doyle

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Person Of The Week
Re: Please watch
11/4/2006 3:36:27 PM

Hi Kathy,

I have "The Secret" DVD. It is awesome! Something that everyone should have and watch on a regular basis.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

The truth will set you free!


Re: Please watch
11/4/2006 4:43:49 PM

Hello My friend,
I've been e-mail this many times over the last few months but this
is the first time I took the time to watch it!
Thank you so much! I just wish I looked at it so long ago!
This is why I ways say God puts people in your lives for a reason!

Take care and God Bless you my friend,

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Flag of Steve Baric

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Re: Please watch
11/4/2006 4:56:58 PM
"The Secret" has always had a creepy cultish vibe for me. I'll check it out, but it's still a little new-agey...power of positive thinking and so forth.
Steve Baric
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Re: Please watch
11/4/2006 5:27:44 PM
Hello my friend Steve, You are correct in your feelings and thoughts.I am just pointing out people never look for the good first they only see and dwell on the bad the negative there fore they spend so much time on negitivity that they talk themselves out of what is great.People are programmed to think certain ways and thats all they believe in.You know I have been doing research letly and alot of thingd men and woman are programmed to think things are dirty when there not,Let me give you a example this one is really off the charts.I was giving advise to a woman on how to break some barriers down that was in her marriage, I suggested taking a bubble bath wine and candles and having her husband join her,she was programmed one way of thinking like it was a bad thing.she told me that would make her feel like a prostitute,I was in shock, she was talking as if that was not her husband she would be encountering it.any ways most things are looked at as dirty,We need to reprogram everyones thinking,people are missing out on joy, happiness gladness in there hearts. Heres is more infirmation on power of positive thinking, The movie helps you to distinguish what one is missing,People should use what they can out of any information and apply what works for them,these are just tools to draw from. No one is telling or asking for it to be set in stone, just apply the goodness you can have from positive influence. Thanks Steve, Tell Tara hello!!!! Kathy Hamilton/simikathy Power of Positive Thinking Positive thinking is a practice - positive thinking is something you learn over time. Positive thinking is not something that you were born with. The Creating Power course that I will introduce you to teaches you how to train your mind and subconscious mind to become more positive so that you practice positive thinking throughout your life. A little background about positive thinking. I'm sure many of you have heard of positive thinking and probably have read books about the subject. Many people believe that positive thinking is something you do on occasion. I often hear them say: "I'm a positive thinker, things will improve I know that." This is good - but it's not enough to create positive results in your life. Why not? Because positive thinking is not an attitude that you turn to when things go wrong. Positive thinking is not something you do on occasion or keep in the back of your head. Positive thinking is a practice! That's right a practice! Positive thinking is something you have to do everyday as often as possible when ever you can. By practicing positive thinking everyday you create a state of mind where you are constantly positive - it becomes a state of being positive. In the end you create a tremendous amount of positive energy - that only creates positive situations for you everyday. In some cases Doctors now believe that having a positive attitude - that is practicing positive thinking everyday can improve your health. In fact, Researchers found that having an optimistic outlook can do wonders for a patient's recovery - especially for those who have just gone through surgery. Researchers studied 16-patients over a 30-year period - examining their attitudes and recovery after surgery. "In each case the better a patient's expectations about how they would do after surgery or some health procedure, the better they did," said author Donald Cole, of the Institute for Work and Health in Toronto. The review says that the power of positive thinking is real, said ABCNEWS' Medical Correspondent Dr. Nancy Snyderman on Good Morning America today. "This mind-body connection that we have been toying with for the past couple of decades really does have hard science behind it," Snyderman said. The study looked at patients who had a wide range of conditions - from back pain to heart problems. They found that patients who thought they would do well after surgery - did do well. Those who thought they wouldn't do so well - didn't fare well. So how do we do this? How do we make positive thinking a part of our daily lives so that we stop defeating ourselves and make our lives better? Actually it's quite easy - the trick is that it requires discipline and practice. First begin by observing yourself. Pay attention to your thoughts. See how many are positive and how many are negative. Keep a notepad handy and keep track of the number of positive thoughts that you have and the number of negative thoughts you have. At the end of your day - take a look at the number - if you have more negative thoughts then there's some work to do. The next day - observe your thoughts again. This time pay attention to the types of negative thoughts that you are having. See how they impact your life. Are these negative thoughts a part of reality - is that the way life is. For example: if you say you hate your job - do you really hate it? If you say your boss is a pain - is he/she really a pain? If these negative thoughts are a part of your life - then you have created your own negative reality. That's right you created it. Every negative belief you have is manifested in your life. These beliefs are based on the thoughts you have. Thoughts repeated over and over again become a belief and a belief becomes reality. Negative thoughts repeated over and over again will create a negative reality. Positive thoughts repeated over and over again - create a positive reality. First you have to understand your negative thoughts and beliefs then only can you begin changing them. Once you begin changing them you begin creating a positive attitude - and ultimately you begin practicing positive thinking everyday. In order to get the most out of positive thinking you have to make it a way of life. So begin by getting rid of those negative thoughts and negative beliefs, which serve you no purpose, except to make you miserable. Then you'll be able to begin having a positive attitude and start enjoying life again. The next step is to start using all your inner powers to so you're your mind gets used to positive thinking and so that you are always carrying a positive attitude. This will lead you to creating the life you want. These inner powers all start in your mind - which is the most powerful force you have. It is a force - that when used as it should - can create wonderful things in your life. Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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