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Re: Just letting you know . . .
11/4/2006 7:22:56 PM

Hi Nan,

Thanks so much for your prayers. Those are what I need most!

Blessings . . .
Linda O

Making a Difference ~ one card at a time
Re: Just letting you know . . .
11/4/2006 7:30:43 PM

Hi Roy,

Yeah, Cancer is a scary word. But I guess, once you accept the diagnosis, it's just like any other challenge that we face in this life. You either fight to overcome it or let it overpower you. I think you know which decision I've made.

I like the acronym Lance Armstrong attaches to Cancer:

C:  Courage
A:  Attitude
N:  NEVER give up
C:  Curability
E:  Enlightenment
R:  Remembrance

I am, indeed, blessed to have all of the loving support I've been given. I'm more grateful than I could ever express.

Thanks for caring, Roy, and thanks for your prayers.

Blessingss . . .
Linda O




Making a Difference ~ one card at a time
Re: Just letting you know . . .
11/4/2006 7:36:16 PM

Hi John,

How great to hear from you. I've missed you, as well as many others in the

Thanks so much for your prayers. I have so many praying for me that God may get tired of hearing my name. ;)  Seriously, I believe in the power of prayer and I am so blessed to have so many people who are talking to God on my behalf.

I'll try and stay in touch, but if I can't, please bookmark my blog which I will keep current.

Take good care of yourself, my friend.

Blessings . . .
Linda O

Making a Difference ~ one card at a time
Re: Just letting you know . . .
11/4/2006 7:37:47 PM

Hi Larry,

Thanks for taking the time to send me your best wishes. I appreciate it a lot.

Blessings . . .
Linda O

Making a Difference ~ one card at a time
Re: Just letting you know . . .
11/4/2006 7:48:45 PM

Hi Robert,

Your ideas are very interesting and I believe there is much truth in what you say. I guess you could say that I'm a believer in the combination of  conventional medicine and holistic treatment. Anyone who has been around this world very long has to agree that the mind is a powerful tool, and, if used properly, can overcome any obstacle.

Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas with me.

I will have Faith!

Blessings . . .
Linda O.


Making a Difference ~ one card at a time

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