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Flag of Neil Reinhardt

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11/4/2006 1:16:21 AM
Hi Kathy Dems FUNNY! Thanks for posting them. When I read "Did you ever stop and wonder...... Who was the first person to look at a" I thought (as I have more than once before) "Who was the first person, over 5,000 years ago to look at Noni fruit, (which is an ugly, smelly bad tasting fruit) and think, I bet this is good for you and so I will try it" So I figured what happened was they saw the animals which ate the Noni Fruits were healther that those who did not. I mean, why else would someone even give it a try? What ever the reason, I'm sure glad someone figured out how fantastic it is for healing all kinds of things both on the insides and the outsides of our (our pets and livestock) bodies. Please, Take Care! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Flag of Dave Cottrell

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11/4/2006 3:32:02 AM
Hi Kathy, Thanks for a good chuckle! Those are great! God bless, Dave
11/4/2006 3:40:42 AM
LOL, Kathy, too funny!! What a great way to wake up ;) Much Luv, Crystal
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11/4/2006 4:31:32 AM

Hi Kathy,


I just saw this in another forum this week I believe.

Who came up with this? It's funny.

See ya!


John Sanchez

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John 13:34 (Whole Chapter)
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

John 13:35 (Whole Chapter)
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."


11/4/2006 5:03:33 AM

Im passing some news along to some familar faces about my great success!

I met a great major team leader of whom I forged an alliance with. The news im bringing you is coming from what some of the major players are involved in. This guy incorporates MLM teams and has combined a huge team that has a mega downline and has a call center in the mall.

This guy has a program in pre launch that I will share with you he has told me he plans to move a large downline in the ten's of thousands to this program.

Currently this program has about 400 members and my elite team has joined as an additional income stream. For those interested it is $20 bucks to join get all the details about the Program can be found at the link below. It is in pre launch and will go live in Jan 2007 although we can grow our team now...

This is not a joke, and the last time I made a decision to join pro wealth solutions the result was about $600 residual income a month. This can very well become a far great thing in terms of income.

Also I have plans to bring Skye to direct matches I have raised a team of 215 here and those who already know of my great success in Automatic builder with a large team of 500+

For those interested in joining our direct matches powerline link we are now paying everybodys way in $30 each the thing is direct matches will give $15 fast start back. This program blows away Pro wealth solutions for stability and grows very fast. Im surprised many leaders have not taken a hard look at it becuase its going to be huge!

Next powerline link, we are paying everybodys way in to become an exec director with no limit to how many we will buy in.

My left team is currently over 75 levels down my right team 22lvls..... Many leaders and I plan to generate alot of great spill over for all programs we become involved in.

I have been in direct matches for 4 months and it continues to grow fast just like Automaticbuilder and now storefront will be the next great thing..

Rather its Automatic builder,Direct matches,and homestoreplus you got some great options for building a residual income check. Im passing along the news Im involved in.

Finally if your seeking to join the program that started it all for me, Im having so much success with it Im almost a 1 star international director now having raised a team of 500 here. We are actually investing several thousands of dollars in our powerlines and we have a team like no other that is bringing reps daily, yes you heard me right its moving very fast!

Join our mega thousand powerline link at

PS- I cant make any promises, but homestorefront is looking very promising even after investigating and having somebody meet with him to have lunch. So Im telling folks what Im currently doing to help supplement my primary business if anybody is looking to plug into programs that some of the top leaders are plugging into, so now is your chance..

God bless,
Ronnie 'Lords Champions'


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