Thank you Pauline for your nice comments, God is watching us in our everyday lifes I was a man, who was once, a long ago going through a difficult time and today, I am still having money troubles. I work from 5.30Am till 7pm at night to bring bread to my lovely families table, I do my internet marketing at night and at weekends, just to give us those little extras, that God in his infinate wisdom gave us to survive in this harsh reality of life, when I was younger I met God face to face twice and he spoke to me. I share this with you and all Gods people out there, in humble retrospect and this is what He said, Our Lord who protects us and looks after us..
'Michael you are chosen, so be it, go forth and spread my love, to my people, tell them this; Tell them I love them, tell them that there is a Kingdom in Heaven, my Kingdom, and if their heart is pure, one day you will meet me, your Lord God, your Saviour, and I will take them, my flock, to my Kingdom, The Kingdom of God, for thine Lord is thy Shephard and he leadeth me into pastures new.'
When God first spoke to me I was 14 years of age.