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Welcome to the Jungle
10/30/2006 3:19:30 PM
In the world of home business and MLM predators lurk around every corner. Do you know how to avoid them? Do you even know what they look like? Well if not, you've come to the right place! Please feel free to ask questions and share your horror stories. I'm a newbie myself, so I'm anxious to learn from the seasoned pros out there that are willing to share their insights.
Barb Doyle

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Re: Welcome to the Jungle
10/30/2006 3:39:00 PM

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the invitation. I have been in network marketing for the past 12 years. I feel that it is the very best industry in the world. For many years I like many others bounced from program to program and believed all the hype. But I feel that these years were like going to college for me in learning to discern what the truth was in how to succeed in this great industry. I think that it is really sad how many companies and people are only out to make money and are not focused on doing what is best for people. Anyone who gets into this industry should not have making money as their number one goal. It should be to help others. In helping others you will make more money then you know what to do with. It won't come overnight but you will develop a growing monthly income provided your heart is in the right place and you are with the right compnay. If you dedicate yourself to helping others, which I feel is why we are put on this earth, you will make money but you will also get back so much more that money can't give you. It takes effort to build a business that you can leave to the next generation. Don't believe anyone who tells you you will get rich overnight. It just does not happen. But if you are willing to be consistent and persistent. If you are willing to keep your vision on your goals, you will succeed and all of the effort will have been well worth it.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

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Re: Welcome to the Jungle
10/30/2006 4:26:10 PM

Hi Barb,

Welcome to the forum! I have to agree with you about keeping money a secondary priority. Look at all the problems in the world today caused by the love of money! You' re also correct about all the "get rich quick" schemes out there. There's more out there than you can shake a stick at! 


God bless,



Re: Welcome to the Jungle
10/31/2006 6:04:29 AM


Thank you for this forum.

One must learn to do their due diligence and sort through the "Hype, Smoke, and Mirrors.

Learn to make your business dicisions based on the facts you gather and not on the "Hype" that is fed to you.

There are a couple of comments on making money as your priority that I would like to address if I may.

Helping other people is a priority of a sponsor that is required when building a business.

However, if you are sponsoring people into a business where they will not be abel to make a living, is that a fair practice?

If you were to apply for a brick and mortar job, you would most certainly want to be paid the highest salary you could receive.

Shouldn't this same thing apply to owning a business?


James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: Welcome to the Jungle
10/31/2006 7:32:06 AM
Hi James,

I agree with you that there's nothing wrong with trying to procure the highest salary possible or run the most profitable business as possible. That's the American dream! But it's a fact of life that many people are driven more by greed than a desire to run an honest business. And many of these people are quite willing to surreptitiously induce people into frauds in order to make their financial goals a reality. These are the people that I refer to as predators, not honest folks like you and me who are trying to make a respectable living on the up and up!

God bless,

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