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Nick Sym

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What Time Is It?
10/29/2006 3:05:23 PM

Don't forget that Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, October 29 at 2:00am and it is time to change your clocks back one hour.

Did you know.....

Daylight Savings Time was first mentioned by Benjamin Franklin in a letter to the editors of the Journal of Paris. However, as the article was humorous it is not clear whether Franklin was seriously proposing that the French adopt it, or simply that people should get up and go to bed earlier. It was first seriously proposed by William Willitt in the "Waste of Daylight" published in 1907, but he was unable to get the British government to adopt it, despite considerable lobbying.

The idea of DST was first put into practice by the German government during the First World War, between April 30, 1916 and October 1, 1916. Shortly afterward, the United Kingdom followed suit, first adopting it between May 21, 1916 and October 1, 1916. On June 17, 1917, Newfoundland became the first North American jurisdiction to adopt DST with the passing of the Daylight Savings Act of 1917.

It's also a great time to change the batteries on your smoke alarm and carbon monoxide detector as well.

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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: What Time Is It?
10/29/2006 3:09:19 PM
Hello Nick,

I have turned clocks and watches one hour back.
It seems that some countried will return to the classi system.

Warm Regards

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Bea Souza

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Re: What Time Is It?
10/29/2006 3:32:12 PM

Hmm very interesting Nick, I turned my clocks and watch back last night before going to bed.

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Nick Sym

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Re: What Time Is It?
10/29/2006 3:47:51 PM
Georgios my dear friend, it is so nice to see you! I truly hope you are keeping well! Getting to the subject, the government said that taxes were imposed to help the war and be revoked when the war was over - ya right! We are supposed to save money with the extra hour of light.
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Nick Sym

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Re: What Time Is It?
10/29/2006 3:50:34 PM
Hi Bea! Sometimes I forget but the computer sets itself like the TV and VCR!
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