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Bogdan Fiedur

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A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity...
6/12/2005 12:56:19 PM
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." Winston Churchill
Greer Trumble

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Re: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity...
6/12/2005 1:19:31 PM
Hi Bogdan, I'm glad your my friend, and I enjoy these quotes a lot. Greer
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Re: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity...
6/12/2005 2:01:29 PM
Hi Bogdan! Seems that you always have something new to get our minds to work. Always, Sunny Skyquestcom Program For Success Build a wise, friendly and respectable family.
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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity...
6/12/2005 2:04:20 PM
Hello Bogdan,yes very good To always make us think about things,before we actually do something,Thanks for being our guiding light. Glad to know you.kathy martin
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Minks Thom

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Re: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity...
6/12/2005 7:17:50 PM
Hi Bogdan, really full of wisdom you are. Well, you just read my mind as a thought i got for a reply to a pessimist posting netgative thought to my last forum. A pessimist will also like to get people in their negative views. Positive critics are full of thoughts. Pessimists will always find negative thoughts to spread arround making it difficult for others to reach for good things. If we were all pessimist, no man would have boarded a burning rocket to outer space so that all of mankind will believe that the beautifull earth is round and suspend in gravity. We will always meet perssimists and help them to start thinking positive to succeed. Thanks a lot for your invite here. Respectfully, Minkailu.
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