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Flag of Marilyn L Martin

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10/25/2006 7:48:54 PM

The word failure puts forward a very simplistic way of thinking that allows for only two possibilities: failure or success. Few things in the universe are black and white, yet much of our language reads as if they are. The word failure signifies a paradigm in which all subtlety is lost. When we regard something we have done, or ourselves, as a failure, we lose our ability to see the truth, which is no doubt considerably more complex. In addition, we hurt ourselves. All you have to do is speak or read the word failure and see how it makes you feel.

At some point, the word may not have been so loaded with the weight of negativity, and it simply referred to something that did not go according to plan. Unfortunately, in our culture it is often used very negatively, such as when a person is labeled a failure, even though it is impossible for something as vast and subtle as a human being to be reduced in such a way. It also acts as a deterrent, scaring us from taking risks for fear of failure. It has somehow come to represent the worst possible outcome. Failure is a word so burdened with fearful and unconscious energy that we can all benefit from consciously examining our use of it, because the language we use influences the way we think and feel.

Next time you feel like a failure or fear failure, know that you are under the influence of an outmoded way of perceiving the world. When the world failure comes up, it's a call for us to apply a more enlightened consciousness to the matter at hand. When you are consciously aware of the word and its baggage you will not fall victim to its darkness. In your own use of language, you may choose to stop using the word failure altogether. This might encourage you to articulate more clearly the truth of the situation, opening your mind to subtleties and possibilities the word failure would never have allowed.

God Bless,


Marilyn L Martin
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10/25/2006 7:56:35 PM

Hi Marilyn,

   Thanks for the thought provoking information. I have something to add, if I may.

  Thomas Edison referred to his 2000 failed tries at making the light bulb - not as failures - he said he learned 2000 ways not to make a light bulb.

  I've come to understand that failure only applies if I have learned nothing from the experience. Thinking back over my lfe there were a lot of lessons that I am only now realizing what I should have learned. I had many great teachers - including myself - had I only looked at things differently.

Thanks so much for your caring Marilyn!



Flag of Nan Herring

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10/25/2006 9:56:41 PM
this is very good girl. you only fail when you think you do.
Flag of Manuel Davis

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10/25/2006 11:09:32 PM
Hello Marilyn, There is some truth in what you have written, nevertheless I disagree when you stated that when the word is applied to a person it tends to change the way that said person may feel about him or herself. Failure is not such a powerful word as to rob someone of their self esteem, and if said person were to allow a word as insignificant as failure to sum up his or her entire existence; then they are not putting forth their best one should ever allow themselves to be categorized in any manner especially where their life worth is concerned. This word is descriptive in content and it's meaning is to be applied to a mere task not one's life entirely, it is like the word "impossible" this word has been mistaken to mean that something cannot be done, when it merely describes the degree of difficulty one would encounter in accomplishing the task or tasks that said word is describing. “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again” meaning that no matter how many times it doesn’t work if you are persistent you will find a way to accomplish that which has been a failed practice in the past. I sincerely hope that I have not pissed you off nor anyone else in the forum, however it is as you finally stated (Failure) is merely a word and should at no time be placed either consciously or subconsciously as a descriptive of human behavior or accomplishment but rather used as a descriptive tool. Respectfully, Manuel D.
Flag of Nick Sym

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10/25/2006 11:48:59 PM

Marilyn, very good post! There are a lot of people that think they have become a failure in life because of unavoidable circumstances. Anybody out think they are a failure then take this test - answer your own question and good luck!

The Am I facing a failure in life? Test
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