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Pauline Raina

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 22 - Christian Behavior
10/24/2006 9:50:56 AM
I have to ask you a question Jim, you go to church to worship God right??? Do just that and come away brother, let God deal with the person who is out of line !!! Do not judge Jim do not judge!!!! :) :) :) Pauline R
James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 22 - Christian Behavior
10/24/2006 5:02:47 PM

Hi Pauline, you should know me well enough by now, it's not my responsibility to judge anyone :) God is the only judge! I was just asking for an opinion. Looks like I got one!! Thanks.

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 22 - Christian Behavior
10/24/2006 6:31:01 PM

Hi Jim,

My personal feeling is that I feel better able to take part if I am smartly dressed.

I like to make the effort and if hot I'll dispense with the tie but still like to dress well.

There are those in my church whom I could not imagine ''dressed up'' as they come with a very free spirit of enthusiasm that they are infectious in their Praise of God.

If anybody dresses to impress anybody other than God then they do themselves no favours. The God I know, knows our inner secrets and he will know our motives so if anybody thinks they are fooling God they can think again but in the assurance that if they seek His will they will be clothed in Glory.


So sorry to miss a couple of posts but time pressures as I warned of at the beginning.


James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 22 - Christian Behavior
10/25/2006 12:27:33 AM

Hey Roger, welcome back my friend! I have been meaning to get over to your forum and make a post, I know these forums are a two way street, I've just been kindof busy lately, hope you understand!


Geketa Holman

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 22 - Christian Behavior
10/30/2006 12:30:37 PM

Hi James,

Interesting topic. I feel when you go to worship G-d you should always dress the best you have. I also understand many folks probably do not have a wardrobe of dress up clothes , but they should at least be clean and neat.

We do not have a standard for dress in our congregation, but most of us do dress up. I am on the dance team so I wear what you might call a uniform.

I have seen people come out of Churches wearing shorts and a Tshirt looking as if they were about to attend a baseball game. I have always dressed my best what ever that might have been at the time. I do it more out of respect for the house of worship and it says ( in my opinion ) something about how a person treats his relationship with G-d and HIS word that is being taught.

Most  of the men where I go to worship  wear prayer shawls and many  of the women  cover their heads with a hat or scarf. The hat is a symbol of respect. None of this is a requirement it is done by our freewill choice.



Hear, O Israel the L-rd our G-d,the L-rd is one