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What does it take to make money in your own business?
10/23/2006 7:14:27 PM

What does it take to make money in your own business?

It takes a "product"...

It takes an "offer"...

And it takes the "guts" to sell it...

Most people want their own business, but HATE

Selling is the hardest job anyone ever had to
do... IF...

You think of it as "Selling".

If you're caught in the trap of thinking that
"selling" is "selling", think again.

Real selling... selling that gets results is
not what you think it is.

Professionls... I mean those who are making
$100,000's a year selling a product or service
face-to-face... will tell you that when they walk
into a sales situation, they are never focused
on selling, they are focusing on helping the
customer determine if the product or service
they have is right for them.

And if it's not, they walk away and move on to the
next likely prospect...

But, if it is right, they 'close' them immediately
because they know it's in the best interest of the
customer to get the product or service NOW.

They are doing them a service. They are not selling
... they are helping.

Selling is not about selling. It's about
helping people. And if your product fits the
customer's needs then you would be doing them
a huge disservice NOT to close them and make the

If you hate the idea of selling anything face to
face or by email or website or direct mail then
get over it!

HELP people... help them understand your product
and what it can do for them, then help them sell
themselves on it... in other words, make it easy
for them to "buy"...

What do you think selling is?

It's NOT hype...

It's NOT flashy graphics...

It's NOT making false claims...

It's a simple proposition:

Make your BEST offer and see if anyone buys!

Pretty simple huh?

To Your continued success

John Elliott aka Oaky Wood and Luella May

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Re: What does it take to make money in your own business?
10/23/2006 7:21:28 PM

Hi Luella & the other John,

I see you have some more great tips for the potential entrepreneur, I just hope they follow your advice, oh by the way I have done a forum called "Luella's People Magnet" linked to your people 4 U forum.

Best Wishes


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Flag of Luella May

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Re: What does it take to make money in your own business?
10/23/2006 8:00:45 PM

John!  How very sweet of you!  Thank you!

Kindest regards,

Luella May and John Elliott, aka Oaky Wood

Flag of Kathy Kanouse

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Re: What does it take to make money in your own business?
10/23/2006 9:51:19 PM
Hello Luella,

It's all in the way you handle the customers as well as in the way you think. I nknow for a fact the more social you are the better your results will be. Earn your customers trust is KEY.
Have a great evening
Kathy C
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Re: What does it take to make money in your own business?
10/23/2006 10:58:01 PM

Nice insights, Luella.

I must admit, that in the beginning of my online endeavors, the word
"SELL" conjured negative images in my mind. Fear of rejection, failure,
and going broke were strong cousins to these mental phantoms.

It's reading about valuable and instructive info like yours that has helped
me in overcoming these negative thoughts. Having good products and
services also do help. Because in this way, I can see myself helping
someone with the offers I'm promoting, whether it's losing weight, making
more sales, having greater peace of mind ... etc.

So thanks again for reinforcing these things that have helped and is
continuing to help me and others.




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