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James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 21 - Stewardship
10/23/2006 9:08:09 PM

Geketa, I see you did your homework. I'm impressed! Most of the time I pay by check, but sometimes I pay with cash. I don't like to pay with cash because we have had some problems with theft in the past, and I want the funds to be placed in the proper hands!

James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 21 - Stewardship
10/23/2006 9:14:40 PM

Kate, sometimes I do not pay 10% to the church. We have other organizations which also need our funds to survive. I don't particularly like for the church treasurer to know how much money I make, and I don't believe it should be known by any human. God knows if I am being faithful or not, and I don't think any human should judge another for paying 10% or not. Unfortunately one finds people like that who try to judge others simply because they don't have anything better to do!

You are right in that God wants us, not our money. But He also wants to pay us back when we are faithful to Him.

Pauline Raina

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 21 - Stewardship
10/23/2006 10:09:40 PM
Stewardship is an integral part of Christian life. God is so gracioius He sets 10% as a figure for us to tithe, but to me 10% is just a guidline, more and above is what we should be giving, is'nt all we have God given?? How then can we withhold it for Him?? God does love a cheerful giver, and the more you give the more you will have in forms of blessings pressed down shaken an overflowing, thats His promise to us. Stay blessed Jim Pauline R
James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 21 - Stewardship
10/23/2006 10:18:34 PM

Hi Pauline, I feel blessed just knowing you! Just think, if I had not started this forum, I would not have had all your precious inputs! I feel you are a woman of God, and of course, you are right.

My father, a retired reverend, whom I respect and admire for his devotion of time to the church, does not hesitate to give 20% of his income. 10% goes to the local church, and the other 10% goes to his needy fund for poverty stricken folks in Africa. You being from a third world country I'm sure can appreciate that!

Pauline Raina

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 21 - Stewardship
10/23/2006 10:33:01 PM
Im sure you would have seen the blessings of his giving !!! That is so wonderful of your dear father Jim, another point I would like to make here, when we say blessings, the world interprets it as materialistic blessings, big bank balance, huge house, car etc etc; But No thats not Gods idea of a blessing, He blesses you with so much more, good health, discernment to make the right choices, good children, a heart full of love n compassion, so needed in todays world. A generous heart ! and I could go on n on ....these blessings are so lacking in many of our lives, thats why the world is in chaos right now !!! Stay blessed dear friend, its always nice to come here and share, Pauline R