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Ruby Garson

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Copywriting tips
10/22/2006 5:33:38 PM
This is a new forum created to contribute back to the members of this community. I have had such a warm welcome, I wanted to give something back. So here it is! Below, please find a list of tips for advertising copy, from a professional copywriter. The first thing I would say is that you shouldn't try to sell. No one wants to be sold anything. Do you? I know I don't! The second thing is, people usually don't buy for rational reasons. So telling them how good your business is, won't cause them to join or buy your product. The third thing, even if they don't buy for rational reasons, once they do decide to buy, they need to justify their purchase with logic. So any time you are trying to sell your business, and telling people how good it is, most people won't get involved. They will only get involved for their own personal reasons. Not because you or your upline or your business is so great! Hope this helps! I see alot of people selling their business on this community. I hope they are having good luck with it. That is about what they are betting on. Luck! "Just by chance people will join or buy what they have." If you would prefer not to leave your advertising efforts to a chance of luck, and would like to create a more focused and predictable response from your advertising, check out my site. I can help you create professional results! Ones that can increase your response rate and your income! "God Bless" Ruby E. Garson Copywriter/Consultant Direct Response Letters, Inc. P.S. If you would like your own Domain Name, Web Site and 10 emails, with an income for life, click on the domains link on my site. We also have a FREE trial so you can check it out! All very very affordable!
To Your Life Success, From Direct Response Ruby Garson Success University Get paid to be entertained! http://www.E4L.BIZ/money.htm?RubyGarson
Re: Copywriting tips
10/22/2006 5:56:37 PM

Thank you, Ruby.

What valuable information, I appreciate it so much. I understand how important it is to develop a relationship in this industry. Browsing over your site, I see that you can be a lot of help to me. My education is lacking, but as they say"you're never too old to learn".

Thanks again,


Michael Teka

89 Posts
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Re: Copywriting tips
10/22/2006 9:34:12 PM
Hi Ruby, I dont know if luck really has much to do with it, seems more like focus and intent , and just keeping on plugging away.
 i.e., "I intend to become successful" , and its a numbers game, networking, sooner or later I will cross a punter who is looking for the oppurtunity i have got. Im closer to a yes!.

All the best..
Mike Teka.
Ruby Garson

151 Posts
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Re: Copywriting tips
10/22/2006 11:02:05 PM


Thanks for visiting the post.  If there is anything you need help with in the way of needing copy written, let me know.

Take care,


To Your Life Success, From Direct Response Ruby Garson Success University Get paid to be entertained! http://www.E4L.BIZ/money.htm?RubyGarson
Larry Blethen

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Re: Copywriting tips
10/23/2006 5:45:23 AM
hello Ruby...thank your for the invite to this good have made some good points here...It is well state...and I agree with you...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603