Senator Schurz said it very well.
What we have to watch is having to many stars to follow.
Can I tell you a little story?
Well, I am going to tell you anyhow!
When the 200" telescope was introduced at MT Palamor they soon discovered the Milkey Way.
My dad took me into the back yard and pointed it out to me. (Yes you could actually see the stars back in 1945-1946). I asked him what it was and he told me it was a galixy that was 11 light years away.
Of course I did not know what a light year was so he had to explain that to me.
But here is the kicker to this story!
During my lifetime they have discovered that our planet is part of the Milky Way, and there are 200M stars like our sun.
Our sun is like grain of sand in a desert.