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Dave Cottrell

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Getting personal - how NOT to get hired!!
10/19/2006 4:00:21 AM
Hi everyone, You have to be on your best behaviour and watch what you say in a job interview. What you say could get you in big trouble... A job had been posted for a high tech company, and the leading candidates were coming in for their interviews. The personnel officer conducting the interviews had no ears and was very sensitive about it. He told the first candidate, "This job calls for observations, so I want you to make an observation about me." Of course, the first guy said, "You've got no ears." (No kidding....) The personnel officer was furious and threw him out. The second guy entered and was also invited to make an observation. "You've got no ears," he said. (The guy was very observant...) The personnel officer went crazy and threw him out. Then the third guy came in and he too was asked to make an observation. "You wear contact lenses," he said. (Much better!) "Wow!" said the personnel officer. "That's true! You're hired but tell me, how did you know?" "Because you've got no ears to hold up glasses." Ooooops!! God bless, Dave
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Getting personal - how NOT to get hired!!
10/19/2006 6:37:04 AM
You have a wicked sense of humour!

Keep up the laughter medicine.


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Angela Cardwell

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Re: Getting personal - how NOT to get hired!!
10/19/2006 6:53:33 AM

LOL! You're just tooo funny!


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John Partington

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Re: Getting personal - how NOT to get hired!!
10/19/2006 8:47:09 AM

Hi Dave,

Very good, but I would have asked him if he used to work in a circus?

Because he would have made a very good cannonball man, because he would go much farther than anyone else when fired from a cannon due to the streamlining of his features?

Best Wishes


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Re: Getting personal - how NOT to get hired!!
10/19/2006 11:17:07 AM

Naughty boy!  But, I am just as naughty because I'm laughing!

Keep them coming,


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