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Jim Allen

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
10/31/2008 12:02:14 PM

Yes V.,

I should have addressed Robert.  I agree with your position on the Forums.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
10/31/2008 1:39:48 PM
Thanks V, i could help you write the rest of those chapters, it'll be a very nice project for me (personally) LOL. My puter decides to do some updates today so naturally im late getting in to post. The Italian Governement huh?  yeah i know all about it over there as well, my Grandmother can give you specifics on that V LOL LOL :) But i do love Italy! Will talk again, i have a mess of work to do now LOL, CIAO :) Thomas
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Robert De Merode

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
10/31/2008 1:49:50 PM

Yep, maybe there is some confusion between Private Messaging (not Massaging! J) and Direct Messaging. The former is in my thinking for private and therefore not for sending impersonal business propositions. Obviously a person can inform a friend about some opportunity that he thinks is worthy of his attention, and use the PM for that obvious reason, but to paste massively in all PMs is to my mind not the name of the game. I agree that there is no problem in stopping Direct Messaging individually from one or other friend who is busy with some different and therefore incompatible with our own business, this does not harm feelings in any way. As for squatting without consent in other people’s forums is effectively way off track and these people need to learn among other things, that net-working means working. Net-working is not Net-fooling around. Wow! That last statement was my punch of the day!

Maybe by swapping our picture for one of a ruined scarecrow could do the trick, By Jove that never fails!

Wishing you all a splendid weekend and do not make it too studious Venerina.

Friendly yours,


Venerina Conti

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
11/3/2008 6:22:58 PM
Olá Anamaria,

It is so nice to see you again as well.  Thank you for dropping by and saying hello.  Sorry it took me a couple of days to get back to you but I had my thesis presentation today and well, I had to prepare for it.

I am finally a free woman ... I can now breathe ... wooo hooo

I agree with everything you say ... but I am sad to say that I bet half the people who post unsolicited advertising in other people's forums don't even bother reading forum rules and regulations.  Some, may even read them and just ignore them.
That is the sad state of affairs .... but it's not just here in ADP ... It's now happening more or less everywhere on the Internet.

.... and yes ... you're post make perfect sense ... don't worry! :-)

I hope you had a happy halloween.  Do you celebrate it in Romania? By the way, talking of Romania, I recently discovered a great Romanian singer Adi ... we have quite a few Romanians living on the island and I heard that music playing from one of the appartments near me.  So, being blatantly bold and cheeky, I stopped to ask the people who the singer was. 

Since then, I am putting quite a collection of his music together.  I just need to learn to get the hip jigging right!!!  LOL

Take care and be well
Namaste my friend

Venerina Conti

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Re: Some advice and Please be considerate
11/3/2008 6:24:52 PM
Heya Jim

No problem ... we don't worry about such trivial things ... you can tell who you like off ... we don't get offended in this forum .... LOL

How are you? ... Did you have a nice weekend and Halloween?
Take care


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