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Bea Souza

1316 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Re: I am asking for all prayer request and words of wisdom
10/31/2006 4:28:29 PM

Hello Melissa, sorry I didn't know sooner, I would have added you to my prayers sooner.  I am praying for your now.  Trust in God.

Enchanted Hollow     Link Scout      Neebie Gifts      Fundraisers here at Adland

Re: I am asking for all prayer request and words of wisdom
10/31/2006 7:28:57 PM
Melissa, things always seem darker just before the dawn.  right?
Look for brighter days and soon you will see the light becoming brighter. :)

I will surely ask God to look after you and your circumstances.

Take care,
Re: I am asking for all prayer request and words of wisdom
11/1/2006 4:31:31 AM
I am prayingand continue to pray this matter and I keep going through my objective of continuing my online classes and writing my articles and submitted to the online website as well continuing look for a JV fort by business.  Thank you Aretha Zellars for your prayers. I feel the HOLY SPIRIT working on my beside to talking to the FATHER to make the prays come into fruition.
Re: I am asking for all prayer request and words of wisdom
11/1/2006 4:35:18 AM
Thank you Bea, since the FATHER has make me to be light and salt to this world to show how when they think that you are defeat but in actuality the FATHER has lifted me up to the shining to be seen by all.  Just becuase the praise and Thanksgiving that I have been doing in that secret place.  I will be continously informing you of my progress.
Re: I am asking for all prayer request and words of wisdom
11/1/2006 4:41:42 AM
Thank you, You know as I was mediating on James 1:2 and revelation that came to my mind was Yes I do not to counted all joy.  Yes I have waken up to another day and thanks the FATHER continously.

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