
Who is Dr. Bob Matthews?

Dr. Bob Matthews

Dr. Bob Matthews
Member SinceMonday, November 7, 2005
Last ActivitySunday, June 25, 2006
LocationCharleston, South Carolina, United States United States
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Mike Ward - (12/9/2005 12:31:12 AM) : Dr. Bob is a wonderful, heartfelt person, it's a pleasure to be his friend!!
Dr. Bob Matthews - (12/9/2005 12:31:12 AM) : Mike, I'm slowly figuring out how this community rating system works. I appreciate your frindship and will strive to be more diligent in my pursuits at SU.Lots of love and wishes for your advancment to the TOP.Your admiring, of your great qualities, I am, Dr Bob
Paul Falardeau - (12/5/2005 5:54:33 PM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

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Dr. Bob Matthews - (12/5/2005 5:54:33 PM) : Thanks for the 10 rating . I really appreciate that my friend. If I can help you achieve more in your life I am here to serve you! I have been involved in promoting nutrition for half a century.I started taking vitamins when the were introduced. Then, there was only " One-A-DAy " brand. I have done original researc on vitamins, in the lab, and have promoted for over 50 different companies. I know the winners. I am involved with FrutaVida and making money with the best nutrition product I know about . Please go to my profile andsign up for a bottle for your health improvement.Regards,cordially, I am, Dr Bob
Dr David King - (11/23/2005 3:28:03 AM) : Ok here goes I was going to give you a 100 but they didn't have it so I thought then of voting ten times and giving you a ten each time and that was out so here is the deal.

I rate you ten times a 10 for your Friendship and for putting up with our growth through the time we have known each other.

Many will soon know what I mean by this now that you are at adland you will see.

With Deepest Respect
Your Friend Always
Dr. Bob Matthews - (11/23/2005 3:28:03 AM) : David, with teary eyes I appreaceated your response over my morning coffee with ashot of Brendans and will strive to achieve your worthy 100% my loyal amigo, love for you, Bob


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