If you haven't seen this yet, there are 1,000's of homebased jobs available for USA residents, paying up to $1,500 weekly. You can choose to work for one or several companies.
Call toll-free for info: 1-800-608-2318 mention INFO CODE 3110. Give your name and address to receive details, be sure to say "INFO CODE 3110" when you call!
No time to visit the site? Send a blank email to: homejobs@followup.adlandpro.com
Hi Kathleen! :-)
What garauntee do I have that my name and # isn't going to be sold or that I'm not going to get 50 phone calls this week?
Hi Brian,
Your name and number won't be sold to other companies, the phone call is to a publishing company in Oklahoma, they send you an informational pamphlet that you can fill out a form and request that your personal info not be sold. They've been in business for 20 years.