Cosmic Trigger Oct. 17-Oct. 18
10/18/2006 10:44:05 AM
As the heavens have signs that some men are gifted to interpret, there
are times in the evolution of man when energies are magnified to
produce SIGNIFICANT changes (though not a change in balance).
According to some, one of those energy-shifts, or accelerations, will
be experienced by all people on earth for seventeen hours beginning on
October 17th from approximately 10 am to October 18th at 1pm.
Creation in the universe is a manifestation of thought, even as
humanity's thoughts, individual and combined, help create humaities
realities within the boundaries set for mankind and each man.
During the seventeen hours, people's thoughts will have the power to
create 1 million times more powerfully and effectually than normal.
(The balance between exact opposites, will never-the-less not change,
and though the whole affects the one, the greatest change will be in
the one, in you, for therein is the greatest power).
This event is not about taking a man's free-agency (which he has within
his bounds) for your own interests, and though there will be a
universal affect, the greatest changes will occur within YOU, and
according to your thoughts, it will manifest with greater power during
this brief time.
For ages have the dark and the light been in relative close proximity,
which benefited all, but throughout humanities history there have been
periods of time when that proximity (or the gulf) was lessened, and the
gulf expanded, thereby serving the spiritual evolution of man, to
either go deeper into the dark or deeper into the light.
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Another such time is upon us, AND, those times are becoming more
frequent, which can be discerned by those who are experiencing (as it
were) an increase in the rapidity or acceleration of time.
As man creates by first having the thoughts that precede creation in
physical reality, so will the thoughts you have created much quicker
the reality you hold within your mind.
You decide who you are (within the bounds you are able). Will you be
more loving, kind, gentle and service-to-man oriented, or will you be
more hateful, bitter, harsh and service-to-self oriented?
Your thoughts will determine which you choose (to the greatest degree) in the coming days.
Belief is a very powerful tool, for your beliefs underlie your other thoughts, actions, and who you are from day to day.
For those who may not believe the above hours of accelerated creation,
I ask, what harm can it do you to entertain loving, kind and gentle
thoughts during those hours, during any hours you breathe and live.
Again, though humanities thoughts affect all mankind to some degree, the greatest affect will be upon you.
On that day, during those hours, consider entertaining thoughts that will benefit mankind and you.
Example: The world is evolving into a loving world (this is true, for
love builds, while hate destroys-another way to say it: Selflessness
builds, even as selfishness destroys. It is because selfishness
destroys those who are selfish that builds and leaves only a world
inhabited by selfless people). I am loving, kind and gentle. All things
work for my good. I have everything I need, and everything I desire.
The universe is a giver of its abundance, and I receive it gratefully.
I am healthy, strong, powerful, vibrant and filled with life, and
embrace life with enthusiasm. I discern truth from error easily. My
gift of healing is increased.
Even the mundane daily concerns of man can be addressed positively
during those hours: I have all the money I need. My house is paid for.
I have a new car, etc.
In days ahead you will see the light of love increase in people, as
well as the darkness of hate in those who embrace baser desires.
The balance between darkness and light will not be disturbed, but the
division between people walking in darkness and people walking in light
will be more obvious to all, and increasingly so.
Thus the "battle-lines" will be more firmly established, and the trying
times ahead will be more stark, as will the peace within those who have
chosen to walk in it.
What comes is not a cure for the ills of the world (though in time it
will be exactly that) but a demarcation line, where all, through
circumstances, will choose which side they are on, whether the dark, or
the light.
The loving will become more loving.
The kind more kind.
The peaceful more peaceful.
The gentle more gentle.
The worried will become more worried.
The fearful more fearful.
The stressed more stressed.
The selfish more selfish.
The prideful more prideful.
The vain more vain.
The hateful more hateful.
The angry more angry.
Whatever "problems" you have and are working on to change, begin now to
change it within your mind, your thoughts, your attitude.
The days ahead will be the greatest days of opportunity you can
experience in this lifetime, for you can change, even a lifetime of
what YOU consider failure.