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Russ Wade

76 Posts
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Re: My wife has MS, Noni helped BIG TIME….Now we are now about to trial a brand new product.
3/10/2007 10:28:19 PM
Hi again, we are NOT JOINING anything, we are just trying the product, We are we consider professional marketers our current business is still Morinda, we have over 2700 downline of which 86 are personally sponsored, we really know what we are doing and will not join any business unless it works. We will never build a business with this company We will only use the product IF IT WORKS... so please just see what happens. OK russ
Re: My wife has MS, Noni helped BIG TIME….Now we are now about to trial a brand new product.
3/10/2007 11:37:55 PM
Hi Russ,

Thanks for your insight.

Have a healthy and wealth life.

Bobby Locsin
boblocsin Your trusted name in Internet Marketing
Russ Wade

76 Posts
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Re: My wife has MS, Noni helped BIG TIME….Now we are now about to trial a brand new product.
3/11/2007 4:41:17 PM
Hi Bobby I really think that wealth is way down on the list, guess you have to be unwell to understand. Bye Russ
Re: My wife has MS, Noni helped BIG TIME….Now we are now about to trial a brand new product.
3/11/2007 6:56:05 PM

Hi Russ, If you truly are looking for a product for you wife that keeps on working you might be interested in Limu Plus.

I have been using Limu Plus for Rheumatoid Arthritis for over 5 years and it has not quit working.....infact works as well today as it did from the beginning.

Read about it at or at my personal website you can read my story, other complementary life style changes to support the immune system and get links to Limu Plus.  My site is

Why do I believe this product is superior to many others to fight MS? 

This product has Russian Adaptogens, and these Adaptogens help our bodies fight stress.............MS tends to be a disorder where a persons nervous system eats away at the nerves.  (Basic explanation)

You can see through my history of messages, I don't push this product on people because we each have to decide for ourselves, I only want to share with others the huge advantages I've experienced and others I know.

I have one example of a friend who was diagnosed with MS, told he would be in a wheel chair within a year then AFTER the LimuPlus was working so well for him, a year later the doctor claimed it wasn't MS.

Susan Dorey

Susan Dorey
Re: My wife has MS, Noni helped BIG TIME….Now we are now about to trial a brand new product.
3/11/2007 11:17:08 PM
Hi Russ,

Omega-3 fatty acids, which are the precursors to anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, will help your wife a lot specially when she is taking our juice drink.  Our body does not manufacture this so you have to get it from you diet or supplements. 

Fish such as anchovies, mackerel, salmon, and sardines are excellent sources of Omega-3 fatty acids.  Eat the meat only and not the liver.  Fish liver contains plenty of Omega-3 but it may have contaminants.  This is because liver is the filter of the body and contaminants have a tendency to accumulate in the liver.  For this reason, we do not recommend Omega-3 supplements obtained from fish liver.

Eating is usually better than supplementing.  However, if for some reason your wife does not eat fish daily, then supplementation is recommended.  We have our own Omega-3 with vitamin E and deodorize garlic. It is obtained from a combination of the 4 fishes stated above.  More info are available from my website.

Best regards,

boblocsin Your trusted name in Internet Marketing

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