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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: LUCIN - in October is almost ready
10/21/2008 1:03:06 PM
Hello Phil :-)

What can be more beautiful than dooing something to please my dear friends!


As I've told before on October 18th we celebrated St LUCA and the LUCIN.

About LUCIN, you may know much less than about St. Luca :-)
LUCIN is a celebration for wolfs protection. The day is dedicated to WOLFS protector divinity. Its celebrated mainly in the mountains or places where these creatures live, by the shepherds, to prevent damages wolfs might do. Some of them (quite funny, in my opinion) were meant to clench wolfs teeth for not to be able to bite or eat the sheep. For this reason they clenched the "teeth" of a wire comb used to card te wool. Anything involving woll manufacturing is alowed to be done on this day, including hair, leather, needling, scissors (shears?). Nothing was to be cut and didn't even throuw the ash from the stove.
Frail kids were given the name "LUPU" (WOLF), thus becoming protected by wolfs and mush seldom striked by ilness.

Well, some of these are new even for me as soon as you can imagine that many of these are not yet living lively aside us, but through stories of our grandparents ... so, I hope my translation is good enogh to be understandable - LOL - by you!

With lots of friendship,
Peter Fogel

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Re: October 14th St. PARASCHEVE
10/24/2008 3:33:47 AM

Hi AnaMaria,

Great article and it really a gives birds eye view of the Romanian culture and religious beliefs.

We have many different Orthodox Churches in Israel and I've been to quite a few of them. The liturgy and music is enchanting and have always enjoyed my visits to them.

One of these days I'll visit Romania and make it a point to visit a few there too. Romania is such a beautiful country from all I've read and of all the cultural info  you supply us with on a timely basis.

All the best & Shalom my friend,


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: October 14th St. PARASCHEVE
10/25/2008 8:40:32 AM
My Dear Friend Peter :-)

I'm so happy to greet you in ROMANIA!
... and I would be even more happy if we could meet?! Just let me know when and were are you coming to Romania?

WoW, that would be GREAT!?

... it is interesting how our ancient c
ulture, with its roots so far in the history, made its way so well mixing with religion!

This is The Church With The MOON from the city I live - ORADEA!

The yellow "something" up where the derrick starts, symbolizes "The Moon" and shows us ... I guess I'm in something I don't know how to explain - in which stage is the MOON (e.g PLENILUNE?! Hm?!) I just hope you will understand! I'll focus to concentrate the energy upon you to see what I meant :-)

Hugs and SHALOM :-)
Phillip Black

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Re: LUCIN - in October is almost ready
10/26/2008 4:57:20 PM

Hello Anamaria,

Thank You so much for the wonderful information about St. Luca and the Lucin.  Wolves happen to be a particular passion of mine.

It seems that each time I visit with you, I learn so many wonderful new facts about your Beautiful Country.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate all that you are doing.  Hope you enjoy...

The Wolf Song

((youtube id="cq_VeUMtyzU"))((/youtube))

Everyone can help to keep endangered wolves alive. One of the most effective ways is to keep wolves away from livestock - because when a wolf kills sheep or threatens a cattle herd, s(he) could be shot, often along with the rest of the pack. In fact, humans killing wolves in response to livestock predation incidents is the leading cause of wolf deaths right now in the Northern Rockies and American Southwest.

That's why Defenders launched Wolf-Saving Gifts, where caring people like you help their on-the-ground staff use innovative tools to keep wolves away from livestock and away from harm. With your tax-deductible contribution, you will support all of Defenders' effective work on behalf of wolves and wildlife.

So please honor a friend or a loved one with a Wolf-Saving Gift this Holiday Season... or make one for yourself! Just click on the image below to learn more!

Please Help

Have A Beautiful Fall,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Branka Babic

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Re: October 14th St. PARASCHEVE
10/27/2008 3:55:28 AM

Anamaria & Peter,

Please, don`t be selfish!

If Peter is ready to visit Romania - I cann`t than hope to meet him/ the both of you there.

I am not scared :) .... If you already forgot,  my first feature at ALP was at Luella`s forum. Of course, as woman of courageous #33.

Also, I would be very very very happy to host the both of you at Belgrade.

WOW! Cann`t wait to hear happy news from you!

Love and hugs!




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