Hi Jill,
I should have been in here a lot sooner, but on top of all the other problems we've been having, I have caighr a terrible cold. I should be in bed, but I've got so much that has to be done. Yours was a fantastic bio. It is true what you said about Bostonians marrying below their class. My oldest brother Louis or Louie which he never liked to be called was a technical writer for Sperry Rand Corporation and had many girlfriends. My mother was full blood Irish and Louie finally settled on an Irish girl that never worked a day in her life because her parents were too rich to allow their daughter to be seen working, unless it was a desk job and they owned the building that the desk was located in. When I was around twelve, my parents were invited to Margarettes parents to meet them. They occupied the entire ground floor of a Brickstone. The butler answered the door, and after escorting my parents to their seat in the Foyer, Herded me, my two nephews and neice into the kitchen as children were not permitted to mingle with adults. The maid had the chore of keeping an eye on us and I quickly found the backdoor. When it was time to eat we (The minors) sat at a table in the corner. The maid was kinda cute. On our way home, my father asked me what I thought of Margarrettes (not spelled right)parents. All I saw all day was the butler, the cook, and the maid. He than went on to say that they were millionaires. It was then that I said, "Yeah, the butler told me. Hey, Pa, what's a Bootlegger?" I have no idea why he lost control of the car and wound up in the ditch. It does not matter how much money a person has, but how they got it and how they use it.
God Bless You
