Hi Everyone,
Now I Know you're going to simply love the article below, its dedicated to every women in business or who is intending starting one, Good luck to your all,
How To Find Grants for Women Owned Businesses By Gabriel Adams
The freedoms that we enjoy in the United States make it truly the "land Of Opportunity". An entrepreneur can succeed in the United States, as long as they are willing to take a risk. The larger the risk the person is willing to take, the larger the reward. However, some people can go their entire lives without having a chance to take that risk. The government and private organizations give out millions of dollars in grants every year to entrepreneurs to help give them the ability to take a risk in order to make this country a better place to live. However many of these organizations appear to be hesitant to give a grant for women owned businesses. This might be true in many instances, but there are actually government grants and private foundations in the United States setup for the sole purpose of funding women owned businesses.
The government does not actually set aside very much money to fund grants for women owned businesses, but the government does have quite a few grants for minority owned businesses. Some people might not realize right away that these grants can easily be taken advantage of to help fund a women owned business. Women fall into the minority category, so almost all of these grants are available to fund women owned businesses. If you are unable to receive a grant from the government, then the government also offers very low interest loans that can be used by women owned businesses and paid back over a period of time.
If you are unable to get any help from the government then you can always turn to the private foundations that are available. Some of these foundations were setup for the sole purpose of giving grants to women owned businesses. A few of the foundations that are available are the Women’s Business Grants presented by Womens-Finance.com, Amber Grants for Women, and WomensNet Online grants. These different foundations award grants for women owned businesses only. Some of the grants are to help start a business and some of the grants can be used to help expand or grow a business that has already been started.
Here's to your continued success
John Elliott aka Oaky Wood and Luella May