Women Of The World Unite And Walk The Walk With Me

Women of The world Unite, well at least the women in, and around Tupelo Mississippi certainly do, and where exactly are they doing it?
On October 28th 2006 there is a wonderful annual fun run event, come gentle walk which takes place within the Mall at Barnes crossing in Tupelo Mississippi and its called the Komen North Mississippi Race For The Cure, which is hoping to raise funds to help women from less privileged families to get sponsored mammograms and help find cures for breast cancer.
DipetaneSoutheast.com is sponsoring The Corner 4 Women by sending me along to this wonderful local event and making a donation from its charity funds they have put on one side for this special occasion. So my friends if you are in the Mississippi area on the 28th of October and want to come along and participate or to simply show your support for such a worthy cause then come along and join me, lets hold hands and unite as friends whilst we gently walk that mile together, yes I know it’s supposed to be a FUN RUN, but nowadays realistically, a gentle walk is about all I can manage, I don’t think I have a run left in me, LOL, and besides there will be many who are indeed gently walking, some on crutches and others in wheelchairs simply enjoying the company of many like minded women supporting cures for breast cancer and helping many to get those mammograms and increase their chances of surviving cancer by catching any signs early. Not everyone can afford Medicare Insurance, so do try and walk the walk with me if only for short time.
Remember it’s called the Komen North Mississippi Race or walk for The Cure. Look out for me I’ll be the little blond one in the crowd with the biggest and most friendliest smile of all as I do so enjoy these worthy events so much, and is so close to my heart as I did in fact only recently have my own mammogram and that dreaded scare all we women must endure at some point in our lives. I was OK and treated like a real queen if only for the day, go read my article called “Queen For A Day Almost” here is the link:
Now I walk everyday, as regular as clockwork in my local area and take in the beauty around me, just a gentle stroll along the edges of the most picturesque woodland and open countryside in the company of my precious pets, which all comes with living in Pontotoc Mississippi, now my doctor actually advised this to help my cardiovascular system (heart workings for the layman/women out there) and help my other ailments like arthritic joints to keep functioning and at least not cease up so its with this in mind that I present the following and of course with the upcoming Komen North Mississippi Race or walk for The Cure sponsorship from DipetaneSoutheast.com through The Corner 4 Women I’m in training even more, well at least walking a little further, I don’t want to look silly and not manage to complete my designated mile LOL

“Not running, not jogging, but YES WALKING is your most efficient exercise and the only one you can safely follow all the years of your life.”
- Executive Health Organization says
Walking as a daily exercise habit can truly be a life-changing positive habit and is one of the most powerful habits for reaching your goal of a healthy trim and fit body. Over the past 20 years, there have been dozens of studies that have proven the benefits of brisk walking.
Thousands upon thousands of people have improved their health and lost weight by the diligent habit of yeas you guessed it, WALKING. If you think that walking does not provide the same benefits as other more vigorous exercises, THINK AGAIN.
A study published in the New England Journal Of Medicine showed that postmenopausal women who walked regularly lowered their risk for heart disease just as much as women who did more vigorous exercise, such as playing sports or running.
This study suggests that walking is just as good for your heart as heavy exercise. Study author Dr. JoAnn E. Manson, Chief of Preventive Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Professor of Medicine, at Harvard Medical School. She said, “The study provides compelling evidence that walking and vigorous exercise provide similar heart benefits, about a 30% to 40% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease with 30 minutes per day of either activity.”
What about the benefits of making brisk walking a positive habit, “They could surely walk away from heart disease and several other chronic diseases. We have also found that brisk walking for at least 3 hours a week can lower the risk of Stroke, type 2 Diabetes, and Breast Cancer. No pain, no gain, is an outdated notion; exercise doesn’t need to be strenuous or uncomfortable. It can be easy and enjoyable.” Even though the study consisted solely of WOMEN with women in mind, it is likely that men would experience similar benefits from the positive habit of brisk walking.
Here are additional benefits you will receive from your habit of brisk walking:
* Walking burns calories and helps you lose weight and burn excess body fat.
* Walking can help to improve your posture.
* Walking requires no special equipment or gyms.
* Walking can help lower blood pressure and help prevent circulatory and heart disorders.
* Brisk, aerobic walking will give you the benefits of other exercises, such as jogging and cycling, but without the risk of injuries.
* Walking at night can help promote better sleep.
*Walking increases the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream.
*Walking helps elevate good levels of cholesterol.
*Walking can help ease lower back pain.
*It improves mental performance and mood.
*It helps build bone strength.
*It helps reduce anxiety and stress.
*It Helps to boost your immune system.
*It slows the aging process.
*It helps to prevent certain cancers.
*Walking regularly can help prevent osteoporosis.
Getting Started
It’s really easy to get started just like I did, with your own walking habit, just make the decision and simply walk out your front door and keep going! YES it’s that simple decision to just go for it that starts your walking your way to better health, The best time to walk is in the morning. You are more likely to continue walking on a daily basis as you will have less distractions in the morning. Remember, your goal is to make walking a positive movement habit. In the morning, you are likely to have better control of your time; as the day progresses you are more apt to be interrupted by your daily responsibilities.
With that said, if you cannot walk in the morning, it is better to have a daily walking habit at any time then no walking habit at all. It’s best to start your daily walking habit by walking for just 10 minutes. After a few days of walking just 10 minutes, you can increase to 20 minutes and then 30 minutes. Your goal is to acquire a daily positive habit of walking 30 minutes.
How do you continue to lose weight and feel good?
The answer is couple your regular walking regime with a good healthy diet, no not those starvation diets either, they only get you into hospitals faster, because your body simply isn’t getting the nutrients it really needs.
It’s the question of the ages. Something that people just like you and I have been struggling with since the inception of those dreaded cheeseburgers from the fast food chains. Walking regularly means you need a well balanced intake of wholesome foods, which are not saturated in those fatty substances which simply put those pounds on your hips and bottom.
How do I continue to lose weight and feel good?
Please allow me to be quite frank and to the point here.
If I could show you a fool-proof way to lose a healthy 25 pounds in just a short period, WITHOUT the risk of using any type of dangerous drugs, chemicals, supplements or get slim at your peril schemes, would you be willing to give it a try?
I bet, like me you certainly would
FINALLY I’ve discovered a Foolproof Way To Lose Weight Fast And Healthy Without Doing Any Fads Or Dangerous Pills, and I walk the walk today because of it.
** No Calorie counting or meal planning required!
** No Starving or skipping meals!
** No meal replacement products! Just good old fashioned FOOD glorious FOOD!
** Complete and comprehensive pre-designed menus!
** You’ll lose weight quickly, easily, and healthily too!
Take a few minutes right now and ask yourself if you’re ready for something that REALLY works, and if eating wholesome food and walking regularly is going to improve YOUR HEALTH then you owe it to yourself to try. You still have time to join me for this years Komen North Mississippi fun run or walk, and become healthier too as we walk together.
Luella May is being sponsored for the Komen North Mississippi Race For The Cure through TheCorner4Women.com http://thecorner4women.com by DipetaneSoutheast.com http://DipetaneSoutheast.com serving the Mississippi area and its local Communities, and recommends http://thecorner4women.com/healthy-eating-plan/ to become a healthier you.
