Geketa, that's ok, sometimes there's a glitch in the system that allows two copies to come out.
When I was thirteen years old, I was at a place called Malamulo College, which in the Chichewa (Malawi, Africa) language means the place of the Ten Commandments. My father was a Bible Teacher there and there was also a big trauma center and hospital on the campus. We had many missionary doctors, nurses, and student missionaries there also. They also had a Cessna 185 that was stationed there on the airstrip, that was used for medical missions in what they called the northern field.
At any rate, I had been through a series of Bible Studies in a group of young people about my age and we all felt impressed by the Holy Spirit and decided to get baptized. I will never forget the experience, as I along with my sister and 150 other blacks and missionary kids were all baptized at the same time. It took several hours, and a baptizmal font was used that was outside the church. The clouds rolled around and I thought for sure it was going to rain, as it was a tropical climate, but you know, it did not rain until the service was over. My Dad did the honors.