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Strong Vs Strength
10/3/2006 3:02:41 PM
A strong person works out every day to keep their body in shape.... but a person of strength kneels in prayer to keep their soul in shape... A strong person isn't afraid of anything ...but a person of strength shows courage in the midst of their fear... A strong person won't let anyone get the best of her...but a person of strength gives the best of her to everyone... A strong person makes mistakes and avoids the same in the future... a person of strength realizes life's mistakes can also be God's blessings and capitalizes on them... A strong person walks sure footedly...but a person of strength knows God will catch her whenshe falls... A strong person wears the look of confidence on theirface... but a person of strength wears grace... A strong person has faith that they are strong enough for the journey... but a person of strength has faith that it is in the journey that they will become strong... Pass this on to a good person...I just did! Kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
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Re: Strong Vs Strength
10/3/2006 3:08:40 PM

Hello Kathy,

Thank you.....Great inspirational words!!!

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Re: Strong Vs Strength
10/3/2006 3:15:59 PM
Thank you Kathy for this great quote. You are also a very good person, the  best. People get their strength from God. It comes from deep inside. Sometimes we need to go down deep inside to bring it out of ourselves and help us overcome obsticles in our paths.
Re: Strong Vs Strength
10/3/2006 4:16:53 PM

More thoughts for us to think about.  Thanks, Kathy.


Re: Strong Vs Strength
10/3/2006 5:49:39 PM

Is it possible that you are both a strong person and a person of strength Kathy. I think so.

Thank You Kathy.  ;)


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