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Helen Smith

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Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 1:46:50 PM

Wow Kenneth,

This is the first time I have ever known you to respond to the attack of the nice nasties!

Continue what you do, and don't let it bother you. 

As a child my mother, and grandmother always told me that a dog that brings a bone also carries one.

Also these back stabbers are not as crafty as they may think they are.  You can only carry a facade for so long, and your true character will come out!

If someone has a problem with what you do and how you do it that's their issue!

They talked about Jesus Christ, so who are we!

Keep up your work

Helen Smith


Patricia Bartch

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Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 1:52:19 PM

Kenneth, Les and others who have recently posted here.  Bless you guys and gals!!!   You're neat people and I hope you're on my friends list. Accomplished people who are doing good...that is what this community is about.



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Phillip Black

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Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 1:56:30 PM

Hi Kenneth,

Although I've only been here a relatively short time, you are one of the main people that I've met here, that made me feel right at home, that I know that I can depend on to give it to me straight.  I admire and respect you and no amount of petty gossip could ever sway that feeling.

The Devil is always in our midst, trying to sow the seeds of mistrust and discontent in the hearts of the righteous.  However, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to lead our way, we can never fail.  All we can do is to pray for those whose hearts and minds are clouded and led astray by this Evil, that they may return to the light and that their paths may once again be straightened.  Then, we can all work together to make our Community and the World around us a better place in which to live and work.

Thank You For Being My Friend,

Phil Black

“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Nan Herring

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Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 2:34:41 PM
wow, i am so so glad you posted this. there has been so much going on. so many people have been hurt by all this. you all know kenneth has been pouring knowledge into me for over 14 months and i have become friends with some great people here. one, who i im with always, laugh, cry, work hard with, and shared some amazing things with.  what is happening here? our home is being torn apart. i have noticed that the group that is posting is completely different  from the people that have been doing the damage. how very interesting.
Barb Doyle

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Re: I Apologize To Those That Are Not Involved ...
10/3/2006 2:55:14 PM

Hi Kenneth,

I'm sorry if people have said things that hurt you. You are a great guy and friend here in AdlandPro and all you do is very much appreciated. Unfortunately some people enjoy bringing others down. I have always found it best to ignore them because some just want attention even if it is by negative means.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc

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