Hi Nick,
That is the nice thing about this country sometimes. You can voice your opinion and not get in trouble for it, most of the time.
Most things that are on the market have scam posts that are associated with it. Allot of times there are very few positive posts on the same subjects.
Negative energy is powerful and motivating it is driven most of the time by failed expectations and ignorance. Don't get me wrong there are some that are legitimately bogus and do deserve exposure.
Positive energy is for the most part savored in contentment and most of the time is not expressed unless you get a particularly excited source that takes the initiative to actually act and share.
As far as this book there is a ton of great information in it. Allot of common sense things and some things that we never thought of.
Things like how white sugar works in the body vs. natural unrefined sugar.
How processed iodized salt works differently in the cellular realm vs. sea salt with no processing.
How harmful and addicting high fructose corn syrup is and the fact that most everything off the shelf contains it.
The harm that enriched bleached white flour causes vs. whole grain flour.
The fact that diet drinks actually make you gain weight.
Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils are trans fat, and extremely harmful to your health and weight gain.
Most natural flavors are not natural at all and are additives to preserve food some of which have indefinite shelf life.
When a package says spices as an ingredient instead of being specific, are chemicals that the FDA has allowed to be categorize as spices.
Take for example heartburn that is now acid reflux disease and if it is categorized as a disease it can now be treated and have regulations. The cure for acid reflux disease is antacid. But if you look at the cause of heartburn it is a excess execration of acid into the stomach this can be triggered by many things even over active mucus glands that trigger the stomach walls to excrete acid. Antacid actually is a trigger to excrete more acid. if you want stop heart burn take a table spoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of water, put in some acid to stop the secretion of more acid.
I can go on and on and on with this list, these are just some of the things this book contains off the top of my head. If you read and comprehend the content it is telling you why people are sick and if you stop eating and doing these things, People wouldn't be so fat and disease ridden. But it actually takes some effort to accomplish healthy habits, and people for the most part are lazy any way.
I don't remember if this was in there or not but back in the 50s when they started putting fluoride in public water systems they knew that it really didn't help teeth it is a harmful chemical that actually chemically lobotomizes the brain. Chlorine in water compromises the immune system and causes infection and disease. If you were allowed to eat and drink more bacteria and germs our bodies would be immune to them and they would rarely bother us.
Like I said I can go On and On
But you can find the truth if you just follow the money
Thank you
Disclaimer!!! I am not in any way flaming or pointing fingers at anyone specifically. I am voicing my educated opinion and generalizing in the content of this post.