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Bogdan Fiedur

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We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is ...
6/6/2005 11:25:06 AM
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is something to be enthusiastic about." - Albert Einstein -
Thomas West

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Re: We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is ...
6/6/2005 12:30:36 PM
I agree and disagree with Mr. Einstein. Having a guiding purpose, a "why" in our life that drives us is critical. Without it, we flounder. When a person finds their calling in life and gives it all their energy in a way that brings good to as many people as possible, the universe has a way of bringing to them the resources that they need to carry out their calling and feel fulfilled. Einstein accepted a lot of lack and limitation in his life. He never completely overcame his rather rough beginnings as a school dropout. If one has FAITH and a BELIEF that one deserves "comforts," one shall receive them by giving to others what you have to offer. Some people simply need less of what we call "luxuries" to feel fulfilled. Society often focuses on the "haves" and "have nots" when what we should focus on is the "whys" and "why nots." In order to truly reach our potential as human beings, we must first accept OURSELVES. Einstein accomplished many amazing feats of intellect in his life, but from what I've learned about his life, it does not seem that he ever conquered the world within himself. A person like Mother Theresa accomplished great things with passion for what she did. She lived a vow of poverty, but she attracted to her people that had the resources to help her do great deeds. Think about that for a moment. Striving for excellence in something that excites us is the lifeblood of creativity. Let us not forget that to give something to the world, you must possess something worth giving away first. Here's another quote from Mother Theresa: "You can do no great deeds, but only small deeds with great amounts of love." Make it a great day (literally),
Re: We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is ...
6/6/2005 1:37:07 PM
If you look over Mother Theresa's life we all know that what she did was amazing with how she had to do, live etc..She did for the love of all mankind forgoing anything else.. That kind of love is very rarely found these days in fact I can't think of anyone but the pope and he just passed away God Rest is Soul...He was the only man who had that kind of love for all mankind...I don't know about the new pope.. Why is it that everyone thinks that what they have is never enough? Why has Society made it so one can't live a simple fulfilling any longer? Society created the biggest monsters with this whole concept. Everything is bigger faster more more more..... I am agreeing with Tom we need to change the thoughts of the world to stop and think, start looking into the 'whys' and 'whynots' instead of 'have' and havenots' but most of all we need to work on OURSELVES before we can truely lead a fulfilling life.There are millions of people who live like Mother Theresa did and think nothing of it, they are the truely happy. It's because of the world around us that has all thinking we need to be handled comforts and luxuries and if posssible not work for them. (Thats a whole different problem within this thought of this posts) There are luxuries without having all there is joy and laughter without having all..We must look within and one way to help ourselves to help others. The greatest joy I have ever had in helping others was working with the elderly. I learn more about myself by working with them.I came away from that job a better, more caring person. Never stop looking within to see what you can do better. I have a quote that I look at often to check myself "If you don't have a purpose..Stop doing what you are doing. Think again...What is your purpose?" I am still looking and trying..Never stop Have a wonderful day!
Kim M Snyder "You need the right attitude, the right mindset, the right system = SUCCESS!"
Re: We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us happy is ...
6/8/2005 7:44:43 PM
Hi Bogdan, All I can say is touche'. -Preston- 800-782-8142

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