I guess that since I was a preacher's daughter you would think that we would have had more of a "church atmosphere" at home, but our life at home was pretty much like everyone else's as far as I could tell. My dad also worked as a body man in an auto body shop and was a workaholic and still had vices, such as smoking. But he was a very outstanding preacher and I've seen many a time when the church would be filled to capacity and there would be people outside standing by the door trying to hear what was going on inside when there wasn't any more room for sitting down. DAddy still watched shows on tv like wrestling and we used to toe wrestle, which was pinching each other with our toes until one of us gave up. It was usually me, cause he had some really long toes and pinched hard. LOL
He was just a fun loving guy, not pious or overly religious and he liked to surprise me with presents and kept me laughing. I did have a drug problem though, I was drug to church every time the door opened. But at home he was just Daddy.