Dear Pauline
Years ago I was in a serious accident and was told I lost some of my long term memory (they told me I was divorced and showed pictures of my Ex. Oh God why did'nt you take me then) anyway, before then I was a completly different person, wrong side of the tracks and such. But then I noticed as time went by I could put what I feel and see around me into words. Some of the family started to realize that most of the poems I wrote were about Jesus Christ and the Father! What I believe is that this was meant to be, he has taken my writing hand like an orchestra conductor and helps me to make words that sound like music. I know now that I am here to help to spread the word of God through my poems - God Bless you Pauline!
Amazing Nick, indeed we are but clay in the Potters hands !!!! and it is for his pleasure and will that we live, and in your case HE equipped you, for he called you by name !!! Oh how blessed are we!!!
Have a great day
Thanx Pauline!
How'd ya know I needed a smile just then! :-)
Hi Tom, always nice to see u around, have a great day !