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Income Opps, AD Sources and today's TRIPLE WHAMMY Link:
9/24/2006 9:28:23 AM

1,000's of income opportunities and Advertising resources:

September 24th TRIPLE WHAMMY:  He had dozens of "kids" and they were all famous, but some of them were little monsters!

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Re: Income Opps, AD Sources and today's TRIPLE WHAMMY Link:
9/24/2006 10:46:08 AM
Hi Kathleen, Thanks for the opportunity to post my Income Opps and Ad sources with you. I have just recently signed with a company that has already started earning me money. This company helps me make money! No Prospecting No Conference Calls Builds Your Existing Business Builds Multiple Income Streams Our Trained Professionals Close Your Sales Take the tour and watch the 9 min audio. Earn $1000 or $3000 For Each System Generated Sale I like to have this under my belt. It is a company that help me manage my money. Helps me understand my tax benefits with my home business. I get discounts on products I am already buying. Great Company. I have free advertising available. You can find most of it here. Thanks again, Kathleen Dixon
katsbiz Kathleen Dixon
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Re: Income Opps, AD Sources and today's TRIPLE WHAMMY Link:
9/24/2006 10:49:20 AM

Hello all my Adlander friends :)

I want to let you all in on a little secret. To build a successful business you need to be a good friend. Yes, that is right. You need to build relationships that is how you succeed. If people can't trust you why would they do business with you? I have a great site where you can build friendships with many thousands of business entreprenuers who may be interested in just what you have to offer. You are all invited to post a FREE business profile on my site. Many thousands of business minded people just like yourself will view your  business and contact information. Give it a try. What do you have to lose? To your success.

Shannon Lokker

"As relationships mature, income grows"

Shannon Lokker Zrii Independent Executive Zrii, the juice that restores your youth! Learn to become the hunted instead of the hunter. Shannon Lokker Execu
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Flag of Sharon Shipley

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Re: Income Opps, AD Sources and today's TRIPLE WHAMMY Link:
9/24/2006 1:12:55 PM
Hi Adland Friends: This is a great idea and I would like to showcase some of my opportunites: This is a new one that has great potential: http:www/ This is a fun and creative one: http://portsuccess/ps/default.asp?id=43 This one has many free offers associated with it: These are three that I have been working on for awhile: http// Check them out and see if any of them appeal to you Best Wishes Sharon591
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Flag of Ange McCrum

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Re: Income Opps, AD Sources and today's TRIPLE WHAMMY Link:
9/24/2006 2:10:08 PM


Hey There

Thanks for inviting us to post here, here are our Opportunities..Please feel free to view them

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