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Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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You have control and don't have to put up with Low Lifes..
9/24/2006 1:43:19 AM
This was sent To me so I am passing this on to everyone.Kathy/ My friends I wish to tell you how to protect yourself and guard your email. You have control and don't have to put up with Low Lifes.. Here is a link you can go to where you can trace the IP address in the Full header of the E-mail. Go to this site :,net on this front page enter their Ip # from the header of the email. under SmartWhois... press go. This is for anyone who is or may have been or might be getting indecent, upsetting, unwanted, rude, pornagraghic, or even threatening emails,,, This first link has Mail monitoring and mail washing. Email and forum and group sites do have certain Emotional inpack on people and some people (like) to come across as the good guy. when in fact out side of the forum or group they are only spamming with threats to members they find within a forum or group. It is a way of terroristic attacks to upset people they find within these sites. It is illegal and immoral. It is the same as harrassment by phone.. You can do someting about it. There are downloads you can get to filter known spammers IP addresses and abusive computer owners.. Beaware their are members here that are getting away with this type of conduct. My advice to you is Block them. Moderate your forums to be save. The more of those. on a banned or blocked note should be noted to the Adminastrator of the site. These members should also be on a watch list and if determined to be a threatening poster then their membership should be deleted and Ip Blocked by the Adminastration.. I hope this does not fall on deaf ears.. be save protect yourself at all times. But don't let them win by chaseing you away. You are all Stronge people here. use what I share and share what you know. knowledge is power. If all else fails the good will go somewhere else and only the terroristic posters will be left here. Then adland will fall. Take Note Members are already downgradeing to basic free memberships because they don't feel Adland is helping the descent , good and Human, members.
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: You have control and don't have to put up with Low Lifes..
9/24/2006 7:46:35 AM
Hi Kathy,

Thanks for this informative article.

Your first liink has an error. It should be

DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: You have control and don't have to put up with Low Lifes..
9/24/2006 7:48:26 AM
Another updae,

The original link you gave for the first link has changed. It is now

DrDA Detox and Heal
435-616-5480 -
Hello Healthy
No Stress
Re: You have control and don't have to put up with Low Lifes..
9/24/2006 8:10:04 AM
Thank you so much, Kathy!

And may I ad, too, that in addition to protecting your email from terrorists/low-lifes, it is important & makes tremendous sense to protect your personal IDENTITY, as well, don't you agree?

Many intelligent people will do everything they can to protect their computers & email with anti-virus, spam-blockers and all sorts of things, yet leave their identities wide open as if they don't know the threat of identity theft is as real and more destructive to every area of their very lives. 

Go figure!

And may I also add that "APPLIED" Knowledge is Power... and Wisdom.

Be smarter - put anti-virus on your life, also.

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Flag of Angela Cardwell

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Re: You have control and don't have to put up with Low Lifes..
9/24/2006 9:25:58 AM

Hi Kathy,
Thanks for the info. I'll bookmark the site. It could be a very valuable tool.

Have a great Sunday,

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