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Pauline Raina

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 9 - Life, Death, Resurrection of Christ
9/24/2006 12:00:55 AM
Hi Roger, interesting to note I have the same que; what happens to those who couldnt know????? but I suffice my self with this answer, that there are many truths in the Bible still yet to be revealed to man, and Im sure God has a plan for those souls !!! blessings Pauline R
James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 9 - Life, Death, Resurrection of Christ
9/24/2006 12:02:25 AM

Pauline, I have trouble trying to realize the pain and agony Christ went through on the cross. When I have the smallest injury, it hurts. It doesn't seem to matter where the pain is, it is never comfortable. Can you imagine what kind of pain he suffered when his sweat turned into blood? I have to question also, my faith when it comes to trials and temptations. It is so easy to fail when it comes to sin. But thank goodness, we in our frail condition have hope provided by Him!

James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 9 - Life, Death, Resurrection of Christ
9/24/2006 12:07:05 AM

Roger, I believe that those persons who were never exposed to religion as such will be in heaven, so long as they did what their rightful conscience told them to do. There are many places in this world yet that do not have the amenities we have in modern civilization. I don't think God in His infinite wisdom would condemn someone who does not have knowledge. He will on the other hand judge those who already know and yet do not follow what they know is right.

Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 9 - Life, Death, Resurrection of Christ
9/24/2006 12:11:15 AM

Hi Pauline,

I am glad my doubt is shared.

I am sure you are right but it remains a real conflict in my faith and the way in which I see others promoting the word leads me sometimes to ask why?


Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 9 - Life, Death, Resurrection of Christ
9/24/2006 12:18:35 AM


This is exactly my point. It is just what would stop me from missionary work as I feel that I might be condeming those who were best left in ignorance.

