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Re: Week # 2 Jehovah Rophe; The God Who Heals
9/24/2006 11:15:19 PM

Thankyou so much brother David for sharing your scriptures with our Bible Study group and I pray that JESUS will show Himself strong next week at your CHURCH SERVICE. GOD BLESS YOU!


In His Anointing,

Pastor Lynn

Re: Week # 2 Jehovah Rophe; The God Who Heals
9/27/2006 9:03:08 PM

Thank you, Pastor Lynn! What a nice forum! I have firm belief in God's Healing powers! I am glad  to join this forum it is very uplifting!

As Always, God Bless!

Sincerly, Susan

Week # 4 Jehovah Sabaoth; The Lord of Hosts
10/21/2006 5:35:01 PM

GOD is the Commander-in-chief of the armies of Heaven, and he leads the Heavenly host in battle against the enemy. Jehovah Tsebaoth is none other than the GOD who hears and helps His people.

A. GOD is the Commander-in-chief of the Heavenly host.

1.  As born-again believers, we are members of the LORD's army.

2.  The Hebrew word Sabaoth, also translated tsaba, has two definitions.

a.  In the verb form it means "waging war."

b.  As a noun it means "armies, hosts and multitudes."

B.  Deborah had a revelation of Jehovah Sabaoth.

(Judges 4:13-15; 5:20,21).

1.  GOD caused a heavy rain to fall.

2.  The enemies of Israel were defeated when they became stuck in the mud.

3.  GOD wants to defeat our enemies.

C.  We have authority over the elements.

1.  JESUS calmed the sea by commanding it to be still (Mark 4:39).

2.  We are able to do everything JESUS did and more (John 14:12).

D.  GOD is no respecter of persons.

1.  GOD moved the sun back 10 degrees to prolong King Hezekiah's life (Kings 20:1-11).

2.  GOD made the sun and moon to stand still for Joshua (Joshua 10:12-14).

3.  GOD will do great exploits for those who know Him and seek to do His will (Daniel 11:32).

E.  The angelic host hearken to the voice of His Word (Psalm 103:20).

1.  Angels are involved in our prosperity (Hebrews 1:14).

2.  Walking in the fear of the LORD employs our angels (Psalm 34:7).

3.  Angels go to battle for us (2 Kings 19:35; Daniel 6:12-22; 2 Kings 6:15-17).

F.  Mankind is under GOD's command.

1.  We must have confidence in Jehovah Sabaoth.

2.  We are to declare-confess-GOD's Word our situations and circumstances in order to employ the Heavenly host.

NOTE: We are never to pray to angels. A correct way to pray is "father I. Thankyou the you fight for me. I Thankyou for such great love. You are my Jehovah Sabaoth I. Thankyou that your holy angels are encamped about me, my family, loved ones, ministry properties, possessions, and finances. keeping us from all hurt, harm and danger and from all entanglement with the law and for all the snare our the adversary the devil. And because of this I know that I have the victory in JESUS name I pray. amen and amen.

Until Next week. I LOVE you with the LOVE of our LORD JESUS!

In His Anointing,

Pastor Lynn,



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