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Robert Talmadge

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Hope and Aspiration
9/23/2006 10:37:18 AM
I Am Thankfull

For my tragic childhood for because of it I am strong
For the tears I have shed in grief-
They have cleansed my soul.
For my enemies attacks-
They have been a mirror for me to see myself as I am.

For my faults- without them I would have nothing to do.
For my weaknesses- they have become my strength.
For my sadness- without it I would not know
How to be happy.
For my pain-It gives me hope that someday it will be gone.

For my years of depression-It has given me the
ability to overcome anything.
For conflict-It has made my mind keen and sharp.
For those that hate-It allows me to meet them
with love.
For the disrespectful-they have taught me to treat everyone with respect.

For the hopeless-they give me the opportunity to
teach them hope.
Yes I am thankful for all of these things- it has
made me who I am-A man with the power to
change the world.


Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Larry Blethen

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Re: Hope and Aspiration
9/23/2006 12:29:06 PM
hello Robert...this is good....actually sounds a little like my background...Larry
Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Deborah Skovron

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Re: Hope and Aspiration
9/23/2006 1:18:38 PM

Hi Robert,

     WHat a powerful poem. You sound like a man who could do anything he sets his mind to.

    Thank you, Robert.

Your Good Friend


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Pauline Raina

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Re: Hope and Aspiration
9/23/2006 1:20:50 PM
Hi Robert, thanks for the invite, interesting post. Indeed it is Hope that carries us on its wings thru it all !!!! Grace n peace to you Pauline R
Robert Talmadge

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Re: Hope and Aspiration
9/23/2006 1:28:32 PM
Thank you for visiting, Larry.

I would not wish what has happened to me
to my worst enemy, but if I had it to live over again, I wouldn't change
a thing. I don't enjoy suffering, but what I have gone
through has made it easier to cope with life's journey.

I sing the old song once in a while:

"Nobody knows the trouble I've seen!

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.