Kathy Hello and good day to you. The info as always from you is to the point and direct. fact and true. THIS is adland a place to share with marketers and develope the practice of good usefull, helpfull, knowledgable, insighfull information along with opportunity. You are always setting a good exsample.
We are also shareing search engine listing power just by being here. I did a search for atbuyit and cross listings come up with Jeffreys' site Blog. This is how the internet works for us. Jeffrey has search engine power simply by sharing listing Adland we all get noticed. Adland helps through searches and like Jeffreys blog we all get mentioned in search engines.. somewhere.. A little secret-- If we all had a blog and cross linked sites we would show up more in google and yahoo searches. Thus we all benifit without haveing to pay for listings.. But to utilize this we need a coop'' of everyone.. nice Blog Jeffrey..