Spiritual Neglect - The Symptoms
How do you know if you are suffering from the effects of spiritual neglect?
Here are a few symptoms that may develop over time if you do not look after yourself spiritually:
1) You don't seem to know the difference between right and wrong any more.
2) You only pray (if you pray) when there is an emergency.
3) You hardly ever think of God.
4) God seems so far away - rather than a very dear, intimate friend who shares your every pain, trial and joy.
5) Death frightens you... so you don't think of it or you find yourself constantly thinking of it.
6) Your family and friends say that you are a worrier.
7) You have worked so hard, some even call you a workaholic.
You have your house, your car, all the toys money can buy but you're not happy.
In fact, miserable may be how you would describe yourself.
8) Something seems to be driving you to reach something that you just can't seem to put your finger on.
9) You feel so all alone...even when you're with those you love.
10) You may have given up asking the deep questions of life...because there just didn't seem to be any answers.
I could list many other symptoms but hopefully now you have a better picture.
There really is solid help!
You really can become spiritually healthy and it doesn't take long and its not painful.
Many might ask, "Lois, why are you harping on spiritual matters? This site is about work and home based business and such."
The answer is very simple - You can't be the best you can be (at work or at home) if the centre of your very being is not healthy.
Spiritual neglect is going to effect every decision you make, the way you react to people and situations at home and on the job. You'll end up doing things that you can't explain and be saying things like..."Why did I do that?", and it will lead to you really beating up on yourself because you can't figure out what is going on inside you. You may even develop a mind set that there is something really wrong with you - but it is not something that you would ever share with anyone - because it goes to deep and you might break down.
You may have even tried counseling only to be disappointed because tradition counseling usually only deals with the soul, and never gets to the root of the problem in your spirit.
Let me give you a word of encouragement - first of all there is nothing "wrong" with you. You are perfectly normal. If you have a tooth ache you just go to the dentist, right? If you're sick you go to the doctor. If you're thinking is messed up you find a good counselor and if your spirit has been neglected or abused you find a solid Spiritual advisor.
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