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Lloyd Cope

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What Is BYB: Bring Your Buddy
9/19/2006 7:12:22 PM


Bring Your Buddy Products and Services! ( )

What Do you Get for Your $10? A Lot More Than You Pay For! (plus right now you can join for 7 days free.)

 Buddy Mailer System ($29.95/Month Value) : -----------------------------------------

This Sate-Of-The-Art Autoresponder System can run 15 email campaigns simultaneously! You can upload 5,000 Leads a day into each Autoresponder until you reached the maximum of 25,000 per Autoresponder.

One of the autoresponders even comes pre-loaded with a series of professionally written emails to promote Bring Your Buddy, and you also get a Splash Page or Lead Capture Page to promote on the internet. You can use the other 14 Autoresponders to promote Bring Your Buddy, or any other program you may be working.

Now BYB has fully automated this process allowing you to simply promote a Lead Capture Page and they will do the rest.  Automation is the key to SUCCESS in Internet Marketing, and these guys are way ahead of the competition in helping you to get automated.

 BYB Ad Tracker / Rotator: ------------------------------------------------------------------

The Ad Tracker is great for tracking the results of different promotions you may be running. Let’s say you paid to join a Safe List as a Pro member and you want to know exactly how may hits to your website that you are getting from that list. You would put an Ad Tracker on it.

Basically an Ad Tracker will tell you what’s working, and what’s not working so you know where to focus your advertising efforts and dollars.

A URL Rotator is a piece of software that would allow you to promote one URL, and distribute the visitors to that URL to many different websites. Let’s say you had 3 programs you were promoting, we’ll call them Program A, B, and C. You add those 3 programs to the URL Rotator, and you would promote the URL to the Rotator. Visitors to that URL will be evenly distributed to your 3 programs.

An example of the URL Rotator is exemplified in the very way that Phase 2 is built, you simply register by going to the TEAM Rotator and then we place your URL in the Rotator so that when the next members join they can do so under your link if it is the next one to come up.

 BYB Audio Post Card:  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Why send text emails when you can send an Audio Post Card? This exciting new Bring Your Buddy Tool allows you to send a 90 second audio message to friends, family members or business associates around the world. It's simple to use and comes complete with video training.

The Audio Post Card is also a viral marketing tool! As a Bring Your Buddy Member you would embed the website of your choice in your Post Card (it could be your BYB site, your JMFM site, or any other site). Then when you send the Audio Post Card to someone, there will be a link in that Post Card back to your site!

That's not all, it gets better! There will be a link in the Post Card where your friends can use the service for FREE, and when they send the card to someone it will always have link in it going back to the site of your choice! No matter who sends the Audio Post Card, or how many times it was sent from friend to friend around the world, there will always be a link in the Audio post Card going back to the site of your choice!

 BYB Personal Mini Website: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Bring Your buddy will host your very own personal mini website sub domain with complete c-panel control and of course give you full video training on how to manage it.

This will give our Buddies the ability to do so much more in their marketing efforts for any business. One marketing technique that is often used is giving away free branded e-products as a “thank you” for visiting your site. With your own BYB Mini Site, you could do that and much more!

 BYB University (Coming Soon!): ------------------------------------------------------------------------

This training area will contain information in video, audio, and text formats with the goal of building our buddies in every area of growing a home/internet based business.

Everything from marketing training to motivational mind set training will be included at no additional cost to our Buddies. BYBU will be one of the most valuable tools that will be offered at Bring Your Buddy!


I have only listed 5 of the Top things that BYB offers to our members to help them build any business on the Internet for an investment monthly of only 10.00, they continue to add new tools and resources monthly that are aimed at giving us even more value for this investment.

What I like the most about these guys and BYB is that they do not boost their membership fee based on all that they offer.  Plus you can use these tools to build any business and also have a downline Matrix built under you at the same time.  Imagine earning $10,000.00 per month simply for promoting your own business venture using these awesome tools.

 Bring Your Buddy Pay Plan ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Now for the part that everyone likes to hear about, how much money is in this business, for you???

 Low $10 Monthly Fee:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

To become a member of Bring Your Buddy you would pay a low $10 monthly subscription fee. There are no other hidden fees. Plus unike some programs out there that raise their prices when they add new features and tools, BYB keeps their price the same and it just keeps getting more and more valuable of an investment for you and your business.

 5X5 Personal Forced Matrix:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

What is a 5x5 Matrix? First of all, a Matrix is just an organizational structure to track your referrals and your commissions. A 5x5 Matrix refers to the width and depth of the Matrix, 5x5 means there are a maximum of 5 positions on your first Level, and there are a total of 5 Levels in depth.

Everything works off the number 5. There are 5 positions on Level 1, and each of the 5 positions on your first Level has 5 positions under it. This gives you 25 positions on Level 2 of your Matrix. Level 3 has 125 positions. Level 4 has 625 positions, and Level 5 has 3,125 positions. A full Matrix has a monthly income potential of $1,952.50. (this is based only on Spill Over alone which our TEAM already has created a tonne of.)

Each person you refer to Bring Your Buddy (BYB) will be placed in your 5x5 Matrix, and you will earn .50 cents for every person in your Matrix. Your referrals will be placed on Level 1 of your Matrix. When all 5 positions on Level 1 are filled your new BYB referrals will spillover to Level 2 until that Level is completely full. (this is based only on the first type of pay that you recieve out of 3 types for every member that you refer.)

Positions in your Matrix can be filled 3 different ways, and regardless of who fills a position in your Matrix, you will earn .50 cents from each person in your Matrix every month. (this is known as Spill Over).

1. A position in your Matrix can be filled when you personally refer someone. (You are paid 5.00 per month per direct referral and they spillover down into your Matrix giving you an additional .50 per member in your Matrix)

2. A position in your Matrix can be filled by someone who is already in your Matrix.

For example: Let's say you referred John, he would be placed on Level 1 of your Matrix, assuming there is an open position there. Now John starts his own 5x5 Matrix which is within your Matrix, and he refers Mary. Mary would be on Level 2 of your Matrix. Then Mary refers Harry, and he would be placed on Level 3 of your Matrix. Working as a TEAM we all do this together, with everyone starting with 5 paid referrals.

3. A position in your Matrix can be filled by someone who is above you. This is called spillover, and it happens when someone above you has one of their Levels completely filled and their next referral spills over into your Matrix. Like I mentioned before we already have a tonne of Spillover started as a TEAM and by working together we simply continue to gain momentum and build every single member a Matrix.

 $5 Monthly Commission on Personal Referrals:

You will receive a $5 Monthly Referral Bonus for every person you refer to Bring Your Buddy. This Bonus is paid to you when you refer a new person, and when you have a personal referral that renews their monthly BYB $10 Subscription. With just 2 personal BYB referrals you will be earning $10/month. This means your BYB Subscription is virtually FREE after you have just 2 personal referrals!  (this is the second form of pay that you recieve on each referral, as part of our TEAM you will earn 25.00 with your first 5 Referrals being placed by the whole TEAM together.)

100% Matching Bonus on all Personal Referrals

The 100% Matching Bonus is the most exciting part of the BYB Pay plan.

Everyone you refer to BYB will have their own 5x5 Matrix which will be within your Matrix. You will receive a 100% Matching Bonus on the Matrix earnings of all your personal referrals.

To give you an idea of how powerful this can be, if you had 5 personal referrals who were each earning just $100 in their Matrix, you would receive 5 Matching Bonuses of $100, for a grand total of $500 per month.

What if you had 5 referrals who were earning $500 each in their Matrix? You would receive 5 Matching Bonuses of $500, totaling $2,500 per month, and you would receive that every month! The 100% Matching Bonus income is in addition to the money you earn in your 5x5 Matrix!

Now Imagine if you had 5 Referrals with their own full Matrix, that would be 5 X 1950.00 per month.  This is quite attainable when you consider that we are building every one of our members a 5X5 as a TEAM using the same Rotator and everyone working together with even distribution.

If you have ever tried to build a Matrix by yourself or even with others you know that 90% of the time this does not work because your downlines will not recruit members.  But when you consider the Power of the $7 Miracle TEAM and all of us working together, it is quite easy to see the potential profits that are available here.

Your friend,

Lloyd Cope



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