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Re: TRIPLE WHAMMY: Fun New Forum for You!
9/23/2006 5:36:14 PM

Hey Kathleen,

Thanks for the post and the info.

Of all the Star Trek Series, The Next Generation was the Ultimate.  Patrick Stewart made the difference.  I actually got to meet him at a Stellar Conn convention, and have an Autographed Photo of he and William Shatner (a.k.a. Captain Kirk) together.  If I sound like a closet Trekkie, I 'fess up, I was and still am.

Thanks again for the post.

Your Friend,

Phil B.

“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
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Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: TRIPLE WHAMMY: Fun New Forum for You!
9/23/2006 9:54:14 PM

Shatner always makes me laugh!  Even now on Boston Legal.  Even on the Priceline commercials!  I think David Caruso of CSI Miami is a very close competitor in the overacting category...they both deserve a life-size statue of themselves carved from HAM!!

I'm envious that you actually met Patrick husband once flew into a rage because I mentioned that I'd like to get cozy with Captain Picard and have a bald baby with an English accent.  I thought it was amusing but my husband was not amused.   I mean, couldn't he tell from the English accent part of that comment that it was a joke?  Sheeesh!

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