Hi, Kathy!
Thank you so much for the invite! I really enjoyed the Poem. It's fantastic! I would like to share with everyone a Poem I wrote years ago when I was in a Wheelchair. The Poem has been Approved for Publication and has been in several Poetry Anthologies. I hope you enjoy it! Thank you, Kathy, for being a very special Friend. I Love You and God Bless You and Your Family!
Your Friend In Christ,
Shirley Ruth Caron
I never walk alone - my Lord is always by my side
I have nothing to fear - I don't have to hide
I, in my Wheelchair - God is my perfect Guide
I can feel the presence of His every step and stride
There are no sidewalks on the street where I live - every day my life is at risk
It's Winter, it's cold and the howling wind is brisk
I shiver all over - my back is in extreme pain with two Steel Rods in my Spine - which I have from a Ruptured Disc
My legs and feet are numb. I don't want to be crippled, but I think to myself - it's much too realistic
My loving Husband, Michael, gives me a lot of love and support every day and night
He hugs me and comforts me when I'm shedding tears with pain which is my constant battle to fight
Like the rays of Sunshine, he makes my life worth living, and he helps me through my plight
I thank God every day for all parts of my body and Pray that I never lose my eyesight.
By:Shirley Ruth Caron