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Daily Muslim Wisdom
9/17/2006 10:46:46 AM
Hello my friends, We have different religions around us and different diversities here so lets share all. A basket full of bread sits on your head; yet you go from door to door begging for crusts. Attend to your own head. Knock on your heart’s door. -Rumi, "Mathnawi" From "366 Readings From Islam," translated by Robert Van der Weyer. Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. Used with permission of John Hunt Publishing, United Kingdom.
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Re: Daily Muslim Wisdom
9/17/2006 11:06:04 AM

To suit ones needs Religion is Fine and there sertinly alot of good attrobutes to someone having wisdom, like somone you look up to? The Apostile Paul says in Romans 3: 19 reads Now we know that what ever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and th whole world held accountable to God. Therefore no one will be declared righteous in his sight be observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. Actually chapter 2 and 3 sums it up pretty well. I hope some some of you can relate to this? God bless! Remember that God doesn't have to be Faithful he already is- IN YOU!  my words.

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Re: Daily Muslim Wisdom
9/17/2006 12:18:22 PM
Hi Kathy,

I wondered if this forum was for Christian Wisdom only.  Thank you so much for clearing that up. 

This is a wonderful thought, well worth contemplating.

As Bob Proctor has said, "We are all born Rich."  Only our Belief Systems, (B.S.) keep us from helping ourselves to the bread that is already in our baskets. 

It gives new meaning to the old cliche, "Get it from your head to your heart," doesn't it.
Jack Foriska I don't run in the RAT RACE anymore because I learned to think outside of the box at the Nouveau Riche University and so can you.
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Re: Daily Muslim Wisdom
9/17/2006 12:40:08 PM
Thank you Kathy for this bit of wisdom. I believe it tells the same
story that I had found the hard way.

I was in deep depression years ago and spent the whole night
praying to God for an answer to my problems.

I had a vision of a man with his back to a huge lake, but the only thing
this man saw was an endless dessert. Then a still small voice
spoke to me: "You are like this man who is starving of thirst
and forgot to turn around and drink."

The key phrase "turn around" has reverbrated in my mind
many times when I feel God is not providing for me.
He provides the lake. It is up to us what we do with it.

Robert Talmadge To follow your dream, follow your heart.
Re: Daily Muslim Wisdom
9/17/2006 1:25:15 PM
If one reads more about different religions, Islam is a very simple Religion.  Islam simply means submitting yourself in peace to the Absolute One and Living GOD. The GOD of Islam is the GOD of everything He created.  There is no middle man between the Creation and the Creator. Allah Almighty created all mankind with different races, mentality and beliefs. The Noble Quran is the "Bible" of Islam.

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