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Re: * * Profit4you Update * * You Can Have Prospects Calling You!
9/17/2006 2:59:21 AM

Hello Again Felicia;

I 'Googled' PBP just to see what was still out there. One link invited the possibility of sending 10,000 to 100,000 calls each day. There was some note about 4 cents per minuite. Then there was a sugggestion that we UPLOAD our leads & they would be scrubbed against the National Do-Not-Call List before calls would start. How does the system REALLY WORK?

Then, I thought I would check the status of my old account. It's INACTIVE but my e-mail address trips a note for me to ask for other sign-in data. I suppose I woulld have to use a different e-mail adress if I sign up again under you.

Most Companies haved a six (6)  month wait  after going INACTIVE for changing lines of sponsorship. What's the situation here?

 ~ Alfred Tom Little

Alfred Tom Little (215) 548-0923 We're here for you! There is a U in oUr T.E.A.M.
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Re: * * Profit4you Update * * You Can Have Prospects Calling You!
9/17/2006 8:16:28 AM

Felica, thanks for the invite.  I am already in ProWealth.  Probably somewhere
in your downline.

Appreciate any input though.

Tell me about the calling software.

Your friend


Dave Carter Author of The Freedom Formula & numerous ebooks $7 Miracle Matrix List building is the key This one is free
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Re: * * Profit4you Update * * You Can Have Prospects Calling You!
9/17/2006 6:49:53 PM
Hi Alfred! Thanks for visiting my forum. Well you have a pretty good idea of how the system works. :-) It's a software that lets you send out thousands of calls. You buy how ever many minutes that you want to use. They do scrub the list against the national do not call lists. On your recorded message you can either request interested prospects to call you back or you can just give them your website URL and have them go directly to your website so that you don't have to use the phone at all! Similar systems have sold for $500 - $1500! I'll send you a private message.   
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

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This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

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Re: * * Profit4you Update * * You Can Have Prospects Calling You!
9/17/2006 6:53:46 PM
Hi Dave! Thanks for visiting my forum. It's a software that lets you send out thousands of calls. They do scrub the list against the national do not call lists. On your recorded message you can either request interested prospects to call you back or you can just give them your website URL and have them go directly to your website so that you don't have to use the phone at all! Similar systems have sold for $500 - $1500! My sponsor is who in the top 10 on the Leaders Board said that top marketers are using this method. If you take the free tour you can read about it in your back office. You can use this software to get sign ups in Pro Wealth, train your people to do the same and create another income stream while just promoting Pro Wealth. That is what I'm going to do.
Touch your highest vision & make it part of who you are in every moment.

I've enjoyed making money working from home for over 8 years. I have a real passion to show others how to do the same.

All members share in a revenue profit pool that is paid out several times a day! You don't have to sponsor to participate and earn. Get paid very well just for advertising your business. No daily sub commitment. Start with as little as a one time $2 ad. This site has a write up that explains what makes this income stream so unique. ~ ~

~ Register for free today. ===>>>

This income cash strategy paid me $500 the first week that I tried it. Since then it has paid me over and over again. Now it come with a free Marketing System. You can also access marketing resources and training to help you to build any business. You can be paid in 48 hours.~ ~ ~

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Re: * * Profit4you Update * * You Can Have Prospects Calling You!
9/26/2006 1:22:52 PM

Hello Felicia:

I looked at the software I just have a couple of questions .. my first one is where do you get the call list for the software do you rent it or does it come with the system? I know some of these companies are using a cd with a couple million names and numbers. I would think that they will hit critical mass very quickly with hundreds of people calling the same list about the same program. I agree it is much cheaper but if you look at long term use than it's not, but the monthly fee is duable. Which leads me to my second question . How many leads can you load into the autoresponder it mentioned? Do you have to build your own list or can you rent one or just buy leads to load? Do you all have sources for that ? I am interested in this software, but would like those questions answered. I have a down line in my primary business that are all looking for good lead resources.



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