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Re: Looking For new Bussiness to Advertise
9/15/2006 4:29:31 PM

Hi Kathy,

Something everyone should want to protect, their privacy, but until now, there was not way to do it.  With all the businesses I have researched, this is the first one with a universal appeal that everyone should have to secure their personal private data. 

All one has to do is pick up a paper or turn on TV to hear about our privacy and personal data being violated.  From VA Admin credit records, to banks, credit bureau records, and many data resellers who are peddling our data for billions of dollars each year.  Pick up Consumer Reports this month for a real eye opening story.  Time magazine had similar investigation into violations of our privacy, and Discovery Channel is running special on issue.

Simply put, with over 100,000,000 in U.S. who registered with the FTC DO NOT CALL list over the past few years, people are fed up about privacy violations and when they learn the real truth, do you think a few will be interested in securing their identity and protecting it, as well as join in class action suit against all these companies who have been ripping us off secretly for years.

Wake Up People, this is a serious issue and individually you are powerless. The is changing this, and when first press releases roll out, this will become headline news as we initiate our legal strategy to stop this illegal use of our data.  Each member will share in the class action pool fund equally, so talk about retirement plans with no effort, this is it.  Better yet, for those who want all the leads to handle from press releases, you will learn to earn your financial freedom.  Unique, yes, patent pending legal strategy will set us free, from identity fraud to data theft, with leverage of millions, we all win.

Fight Back, Mike 

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Re: Looking For new Bussiness to Advertise
9/15/2006 4:49:42 PM

Hello Kathy,

I do hope this moment finds you well and happy my friend. ;-)

Teris Home Business..

Enjoy each moment,


~ Mother Earthbeats ~ This Virtual World ~*~ Walk in Grace, Beauty and Balance... ~*~
Re: Looking For new Bussiness to Advertise
9/15/2006 5:54:37 PM
Greetings Kathy, Gary and Janice Hawkins of Lewiston, Idaho wishes you all the Best! We are doing well marketing a US Patented Fuel Catalyst called Enviro-Max Plus that enables your engine to burn 99% of all your fuel instead of the NORMAL 80% to 85% which results in your vehicle getting up to 35% more miles per gallon and extending the life of your engine by up to 50% and more plus too many other benefits to mention! We would like everyone to watch a short Video with Johnny Rutherford on Why this Product does what it does and to read the testimonials of other just like us and their results at referred by Gary and Janice Hawkins Independent Co-Partners ID#2749701 This Product is referred too as FREE TO USE because it will save you many times over the cost of usage! Try it and if you are not 100% Satisfied with your results invoke your 60 day 100% money-back-guarantee on the purchase price for a refund! Now we have enjoyed using this product for nearly eleven months now and we are really happy with our results BUT! When you pull up to the fuel pump you still have to pay for your fuel right? WELL NOW IF YOU LIVE IN THE UNITED STATES OR CANADA, WE FOUND A NEW ALTERNATIVE! We want everyone to join us in FUEL CLUB USA either as a FREE MEMBER or a PAID MEMBER, see why? FOR FREE FUEL For $15 Fast Cash per member You can join as a free member but you do give up your first four recruits and all their future recruits as well to earn your yearly membership fee of $60.00. We felt it was better to pay the $30 each for both websites and to meet our $60 yearly membership fee. Now we earn FREE FUEL and $15 Fast Cash for our recruits and commissions on all their future recruits as well. We think this is the best of both worlds! We also like the fact that you don't have to comply with any monthly payments or purchases per month either! It is also exciting that their is no cut off on width or depth! You will earn a commission on any and all members that come in after you and your recruits! Say someone you recruited recruits some Big Dog Marketer that recruits thousands of members, you also earn a commission on each and everyone! How cool is that! We enjoyed talking with Mr. Winston Ray Thomas, the owner and founder who is a hands on kind of a guy. He makes it a point to talk to his members during set up and asks that everyone direct their questions too him! We can honestly say that this is the Simplest and Most Direct Program we have ever had the good fortune to come across! We also Googled both the owner and the FUEL CLUB USA and found nothing negative and only positive information! So please make a point to join with us in this Great Alternative to purchasing all your fuel needs! Please use our ID#GHRP-015 and to enroll either as a Paid or Free Member, you won't be sorry! We wish you all the very best, sincerely, Gary and Janice Hawkins of Lewiston, Idaho USA. One last thing! If you have a website that you want great expossure on try this New Approach to Free Advertising at
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Re: Looking For new Bussiness to Advertise
9/15/2006 6:24:44 PM
Hi Kathy,

I am not new and I don't have a new program.  Just the same old one that I have been trying to promote which is doing quite well now.

I hope you find what you are looking for in this forum thread.

Peace and prosperity to you and yours,

Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Looking For new Bussiness to Advertise
9/15/2006 10:51:45 PM
Hello Donald, Thank you for sharing,Kathy/
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