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Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 5 - God the Holy Spirit
9/20/2006 8:17:17 PM

Hello Jim,

I said originally that time was a problem so my short answer is all that is required.

Your experiences are familiar territory to me.

As a hypnotherapist I am faced with church members who are supportive and others who are convinced that I do the work of the devil.

I know that having prayed and listened that The Spirit has worked through me many times, there is no other explanation as I leave no doubt in my clientsminds that I love The Lord.

I have been present at unbelievable events and know that God's plans are frequently brought about on earth by The Spirit.

The subject of speaking in tongues was raised here and despite the mass of evidence available in the scriptures I am still uncomfortable with this manifestation.  I have asked and not received and am humbled.


James Wright

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Re: Fundamental Belief Number 5 - God the Holy Spirit
9/20/2006 9:50:51 PM

Roger, you are definitely in a challenging field! One of the things that comes to mind when thinking about talking in tongues is that if you cannot understand what is being said, then it is coming from places other than from the Lord.
