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Re: 1st Corinthians 13
9/15/2006 4:05:44 AM
Back in time when Man lived  many years AGO   and all thay had where sharp object and stone to write upon............ i wonder  just how many pages  where lost we all know many  years of jesus are missing, how many  where destoried,how many  have been interupated in different light or thought,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but the one  main  goal is ALWAYS LOVE AND  (NO HARM TO NONE) and  TO HELP EACH OTHERS
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Re: 1st Corinthians 13
9/15/2006 8:54:19 AM

Looks like I've been missing out on this.  I love the Lord and I do try to follow his guidance.   Sometimes though, I think being in business for myself takes precidence over everything else.  With God's help and it seems it is always He that brings me through, I manage to get through the tough times.  If different verses are posted daily or even weekly, I definitely will be reading your posts, Kathy. 

Thank you.


Alice Thomas AKA Motorcycle Accessories Quality Leather Gear & Motorcycle Accessories
Re: 1st Corinthians 13
9/15/2006 9:56:55 AM
Hi Kacthy! Perfect love.....unselfish love. Humans have a hard time being able to love in this way. Giving and asking nothing in return. Always looking for the good. Patient and kind. Willing to forgive. Only with the help of God....can we manage to love perfectly! After all....God loves us completely without restraint. I have been a Christian 46 years. still "blows me away". The creator of the universe LOVES ME and was willing to send HIS SON to actually die for me. THAT was love!
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Re: 1st Corinthians 13
9/15/2006 10:07:02 AM
It's easy to love those we're close to, but how many times do we "love" our enemies and those who are mean to us or hate us? I'm working on that! And I find the more I pray for my enemies, the more I love them! Blessings, Debbie
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Re: 1st Corinthians 13
9/15/2006 10:10:21 AM
Hello Alice, You know you cannot do anything with out God in every part of our life,continue walk by faith not by site,very glad you are here.Kathy/
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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